John Lennon - Kidd and The Nevers - Part 2

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Miss me?;)


The band was doing just fine.

(Y/N), Dale, Fox and Billy had mended the rift between them all, seemingly due to the absence of a certain former Beatle. Lennon hadn't been to the studio since the argument with (Y/N).

The four had taken to writing songs in pairs, so not to cause as many arguments and the bickering in the booth had been a lot less as of late. It still happened, of course, it had been part of their dynamic since day one.

The boys believed that everything was how it should be again. (Y/N) had picked them, the band, over the international legend. She hadn't told them what was said that day; what made her walk out and refuse to see him for a week straight. The boys heard all the yelling and commotion but not the words spoken. It was probably better that way. Things were good.

"What do you mean 'he's dropping us?' He can't just drop us!"

Until they weren't good.

"That's what he said. He wouldn't give a reason other than he'd just made a shit-ton of money!" Fox explained, in his usual calm demeanour.

(Y/N) watched on as the boys' words and curses flew around. This was absolutely Lennon's doing and if that was the case, it was her fault. The boys would be livid. They'd find out eventually but for now, she'd have to remain just as oblivious as The Nevers.

"Well then what do we do? W-we have no manager? We're gonna be alright aren't we?"

"The label aren't dropping us but we have no one to book us anything. It's the business side, right?" Billy asked, glancing at (Y/N) who gave him a nod from her seat.

(Y/N) nodded. The band wasn't big enough to just not have a manager. That would be a total disaster and entertainment suicide.

"So what do we do?"

"You need a manager."

Once again the band were all staring at the former Beatles, in the doorway of the recording studio. John Lennon walked into most rooms like he had a claim to them, like his decade in the limelight had given him an unwavering confidence.

"Know any?" Dale sneered as he spoke. The question obviously wasn't serious or conversational.

"Of course, I do. But I think what you need is someone with the musical experience to shape your s-"

"You did this, didn't you?" You interrupt not only John, but your own thoughts. Those thoughts in your head that were still whirling and trying to make sense of this. How unbelievably curious that he was here again on the day you found out about the dropping. His eyes met yours from behind his glasses. "Oh you absolutely did. That's why our manager was saying he'd made money from dropping my us, you paid the bastard off!"

"Always so quick, (Y/N)." He replied, like some kind of Bond Villain.

The boys looked between each other, clearly taking yet another moment to piece everything together. They hadn't been there for the explosive back and forth last month.

"So what, you decide to actually ruin our chances because I rejected you? Well, you really know how to seduce a woman, don't you, Lennon? You are nothing but a spiteful, bitter, smug wanker. You're not even half the man you think you are, do you hear me?" You were furious and continued hurling abuse at the musical legend as he just calmly stares back.

"Is that right? You're the one that lost us our manager? Because of (Y/N)?" Billy was the first of the boys to speak.

"This is not my fault."

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