John Lennon - Meeting The Nowhere Boy

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Based on the scene in 'Nowhere Boy' where Paul meets John:)


You were the girl next door. Quite literally, the girl who lived right next door to the McCartney residence and always had. You were the same age as their oldest boy and had played together on the streets for years. He was a sweet boy, who'd always been the first to fetch a plaster for your scrapped knees. Like the brother you never had. Now you were growing up and your neighbour was eager to become something greater than the city he'd grown up in.

"Oi, James!"

"(Y/N), not today. No calling me that today, this is important to me. I don't want 'em thinking I'm boring with a name like James."

"So you're going with Paul? Okay. Isn't his name John? That's as boring as it gets."

"Please don't start." He rolled his eyes, easily keeping a steady pace.

After catching up to him, the two of you wandered down the street. His guitar on his back and your hands in your pockets. The neighbour boy was just as cheeky as your classic Liverpool lad, but Macca also had a charm to him that was going to be lethal. You pitied the poor girls who batted their eyelashes, unaware of the thousands that would do the same in the future.

"Fine. I don't know why you want me to come with you to this thing anyway, I hate the fair." You complained about the reason for your outing.

"We're not even going to the fair, we're going to the hall. And it's because I don't know none of 'em. I need someone in my corner. I've seen 'em play. They're really good. If I choke, that's it."

He was talking about a band. A stupid bloody band that was playing at the town fair. A band full of boys that smoked outside of the school gates and played with matches on the back of the bus. They always think they're so cool but most people were embarrassed for them. All but one. He was like their ringleader, able to talk his way out of anything and pull any bird he so much as winked at.

"Why'd ya want to be in John Lennon's band anyway?" You frowned at him.

"I just wanna be in a band."

You look at him, a smirk resting on your pretty face. McCartney was a half decent musician with a good voice so it made sense that he wanted to be in a band. But God knows why it had to be that one. Your friend always did find himself drawn to more complex characters.

"And I'm the only person you could drag along then, am I?"

"Yeah. Can you walk any faster?"

You don't know why you agreed to go with Paul. Even though you'd originally had plans with other friends, your neighbour had said it was an emergency. Of course, you'd support him in whatever he wanted to do, you just weren't a big fan of the lads he was about to try and impress. Not many people were. You didn't know them very well but one or two of them would make comments whenever girls passed them by, sometimes they were easy to ignore, other times they were disgusting.

A tall boy with the same slick hair style as your friend jogged over to the two of you as you approached the entrance to the building.

"Paul! Y'alright mate?"

"Alright, Ivan?" This Ivan character seemed to be expecting Paul which begged the question, why were you here?

"So you do know someone here?"

"Oh yeah, I know Ivan."

"Can I wait outside-" The last thing you wanted was to watch Lennon and his band of merry morons being tossers to your oldest friend. You'd lose your temper and ruin Paul's chances completely. Paul dragged you by the wrist into the hall where the group known as 'The Quarrymen' stood in a chatter. The room smelt strongly of cigarettes and teenage boy.

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