John Deacon - Baby

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Your husband was in the band. The tours didn't bother you as much as you thought they would. Rockstars had reputations and groupies but that never really got to you much. After all, he called every night he wasn't playing and you trusted him. That was enough. Though, of course it was better when he was home. You worked for a baking company by commission. This meant you worked from home and only hit the road when dropping off your baked goods.

Today was the day John came home from America. You heard the door open and close as you washed your hands. John rushed from the hall to the living room and you came in from the kitchen. He practically threw himself at you, not saying a word.

His face was buried in your neck and arms wrapped tightly around your waist.

"Hello, my love," John didn't answer, he just held onto you. "I missed you too"


John was now sat on the sofa with his feet up as the two of you had a conversation. It was all very domestic.

"Why, what did you all say to him?"

"Nothing, he just threw it at the bloody wall and it broke. He's got the worst temper I've ever seen, you know." You laughed, discussing Roger's 'on tour outbursts'. Roger was the member of the band that you got along best with, besides your husband, he was wild and brilliant.

"Do you want to watch Star Wars?"

"Actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about. I didn't want to say it on the phone." John said, you saw him staring out of the corner of your eye.


"Right well.." He looked down and sighed, trying to word his question.

"You're scaring me now." You laughed, nervously.

"Well what I wanted to ask was... right so we've been married for two years. Basically three now. O-or three next month but- erm. Yeah so I want- Uh I want us to- go further? In our life and our family? I don't- God, how am I meant to say this without sounding so blunt?"

"John, just say it as bluntly as you need and I won't take it the wrong way."

"I want a baby." He's quiet for a moment. "I want us to have a baby."

"Where has this come from?" You laugh slightly at his request, maybe out of nervousness or something, you weren't sure.

"I don't know, I just- I love you and I want a family with you," The words didn't come in response to him. It was something you could he really wanted so you wanted to say the right thing. How do you possibly admit to being afraid when he was already so excited at the prospect? Maybe you were just over thinking it? "Brian's married and I bet Roger won't be bloody long i'm sure so there's gonna be less touring. I'll be here."

"John I-"

"I swear there'll be no touring while you're pregnant; I'd never leave you like that."

You're quiet, thinking things over. Of course you loved him too. He was the love of your life. And you wanted a family with him, but for some reason you hadn't really thought about it yet.
But you might end up on tour after the baby's born? You don't want to be a single parent for months at a time.

"No, I know you wouldn't-"

"I really want kids, (Y/N), I always have but I want them with you. Only you. I want us to start a family of our own. Surely you've thought about it? I started thinking about it the day we moved into the house but I knew with the tour coming up, it would be a big ask."

"I haven't thought about it. Not this much."

You'd said the wrong thing. Your comment clearly alerted John and he stood up.

"I'm sorry." His footsteps were silent as he went upstairs.

A baby. Multiple babies. Of course, it wasn't anything about John's life that bothered you enough to remain childless forever. But having a baby was a massive thing. It was terrifying. Raising and teaching a human being to be a good person from day one. With John.With who else? Labour was terrifying too. Christ, hours of agony and then months of sleepless nights. But to bring your child into the world. Your child. John's child too.

You should go and speak to him. He looked so upset. You couldn't believe you'd never spoken about having kids with him. There obviously were jokes and the comments of 'Do you think we'll end up with ginger kids?' Apart from that, there was no serious conversation.

You reached your bedroom, pushing the door open. Your husband sat on the bed, legs over the edge and head down. He looked up and made eye contact with you.


"I feel like an idiot."

You sigh and approach him, kneeling down so that your faces are level.

"I love you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and i'm so proud of you. I wanted this life and that's why I married you. Having a baby is a massive thing. Being a mother is so scary to me, that's a whole person that we have to teach to be good and kind," He wouldn't meet your gaze. "John, you're the best man I've ever known. And you're going to be and even better father. But If we're going to do this, I will really need you."

His head snapped up at that. You smile. John pulls you onto the bed, holding you as close as he could.

"I'm gonna be a dad."

"Alright, you've got to get me pregnant first" you laugh, trying to wiggle out of his arms but he held you tighter.

"That's not gonna be a problem."

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