Brian May & Roger Taylor - May The Best Man Win - Part 2

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i am 100% making this up as i go along hahahaha


It had been an entire month since the incident in the hotel and things were strange to say the least. Brian was fine. Brian was great, in fact. Things with him were lovely.

It was Roger that was strange. He'd always just ignored you or made petty comments but he'd never been unbearable. Some days he'd been nice. Like, actually nice to you. Which was very out of character. Other days he was awful, more than usual. You had always felt that Roger was just not very fond of you as a person but this was different, it was pure anger. It was like flipping a coin to see which Roger you'd be getting when you walked into the studio everyday.

You and Brian weren't necessarily a couple at this stage, but you acted like one more and more every day. Though you didn't want to make any assumptions or rush it.

You got to the studio at normal time, not bothering to be early because the boys were often late themselves. A grouchy, tired feeling clung to you as you entered the recording booth, the only person in there was Roger, who noticed you instantly.

"Hi." He spoke first.

"Morning." Your voice was quiet but sure, as you walked past him.

The papers that you'd discarded on the desk yesterday still sat there, cold and untouched. You picked up the sheet on top and skimmed to find where to pick up from.

"You alright?"

The shock from Roger's question was written on your face as you looked at him.

"Yes thanks, you?"

"Me? Oh yeah, just fine," You knew better than to engage in pleasantries with him as they never lasted long. You nodded, now absent minded in your reading. "Y'look nice."

Now frowning, your eyes snap over to Roger, who is stood across the room from you holding a single drumstick and twiddling it between his fingers. If this was anybody else you'd have to apologise for being so defensive but it was Roger and defence was called for.


"I said y-" Before he had chance, you cut him off before he can repeat it.

"Why?" You waste absolutely no time.

"I don't know what you m-" A more familiar frown fell onto Roger's face. He looked completely baffled by the question.

"Why are you being nice today?"

Roger felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach when he heard your suspicion at his compliment. Of course, he knew he could only blame himself as it was to due to the cold treatment he'd always offered you. You didn't trust him with even the slightest thing. You didn't expect him to be even half decent. It was hurtful.

To save Roger from further emotion, the door swung open and the two guitarists of the band walked in.

"Hello." John chirped, having always been a morning person.

You smile at his greeting and then see Brian follow him into the room. Your face usually lights up when you see him, it's something he'd noticed months ago. Brian beams at you and approaches, affectionately as usual.

"You look lovely, for me?" His hand finds the small of your back as he looks you up and down, with a bit of unusual flare. You lived for these moments of Brian's light hearted personality.

"For work, don't get cocky now."

"Never." Brian pressed a kiss to your forehead and looked down at you, being rather short when you stood next to him.

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