Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Looking in the mirror running my hands through my face it was six months ago today. Six months since I moved towns and got away from the toxic people in my life who I once thought were special to me. Well all but one person who packed her bags and came with me. It usually amazed me how sometimes you have that one person in your life you consider you person. They feel the pain you feel, who emotionally just rides through life on the same wave length who will be heart broken when you get you heart broken, who will be happy based from your happiness. It's a bond that really is unbreakable, and truly hard to find. What I didn't know is you can have more than one person. Trick is finding out who they are. Finding the people who are not hiding behind some masks.

See I came out to this new smallish town, from a bug city I was in. I guess some may say I was running away but in reality I wasn't, I didn't like my life there so I left to make a new start to finally be happy. I hated the crowds, the traffic, the feeling of always in a rush. Anxiety at random moments but most of all I hated the fake people. See I had four best friends and what I thought was an amazing boyfriend. He was in business and well on the right track to make partner some day. He was busy a lot but always made time for me. We were together for almost two years the anniversary was coming up.

I took my key to his place because I forgot something I needed for work I worked in bakery because I was the best baker I went to school for it and worked hard to get at the best place in town. I left the new recipes at his place I wanted to try for the next day so I took my key and went into his place to see one of my best friends Chloe straddling my boyfriend Dimitri feeling each other up sucking face like their lives depended on it. It took me just a second to take a deep breath.

I slammed the door shut behind me. Catching them off guard so bad he ended up throwing her completely hard onto the floor. "Oh, don't mind me I'm just here to collect all my stuff. Please as you were." I said sarcastically. "No baby I swear I can explain everything. She means nothing to me I swear I love you." Dimitri said running up trying to gab my hands pulling me to him." "DON'T TOUCH ME! You can explain. Really D because if you truly love me it wouldn't be this easy to be under someone else. That's not love D! There is never a reason to cheat. If you were so unhappy with me you should have just broke up with me. You didn't need to this shit behind my back."

"No baby I am happy but only happy with you I love you this Chloe doesn't mean anything to me. It was nothing but a mistake." "How can you say that you said you loved me. You said you wanted to be with me." "No, I didn't I told you I wanted to marry Jessenia. You know that. That's the only reason you're here! You know I don't love you, I never have." Turning back to face Jessie. "Baby, you're the only thing I want. Please forgive me, don't let this come between us. I will do any and everything I can to make this right." Dimitri said still trying to come close to her as Chloe stands there in shock tears and make up falling down her face.

"You cant fix this D, you can't go back and magically unfuck someone. It doesn't work that way. Honestly I gave you everything I could and apparently that's just wasn't enough for you." "But it is. You are all I need." "Bullshit D. That is such bullshit because if you were getting what you needed or wanted you wouldn't be running around behind my back. There's obviously something missing right? How long? How long have you been screwing around behind my back." Jessie asked him, looking down we've hooked up a couple times maybe eight in the last almost four months; but I swear it was nothing but a mistake. It was meaningless. Im so so sorry." Dimitri said crying hard.

"Eight times four months that's not a mistake when you kept making the same mistake." She air quoted. "You lied to my face for four months. You threw us away for meaning less sex. Sex is not meaningless. It may not mean anything to you , but you sleeping around means something to me. What if I caught an STD. Do you know how many people Chloe screws on the regular you know how big of a slut she is; she literally has sex with at least half the city. Your no better. You're both gross as fuck. "EXCUSE ME!! Chloe roared across the room coming closer to her face turned red. "Tell me I'm wrong Chloe. Everytime we go out with you name one night one night where you didn't go home with a complete stranger. You never cared if they were married or attached or single as long as you got some that night fuck the consequences. Now here we are to find out you've been screwing my boyfriend for about four months tell me how that doesn't make you nothing but a back stabbing whore?! I honestly don't know how you can look in the mirror and be ok or proud of yourself when your this pathetic!!!" Jessie yelled at her.

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