CHapter 6: The First Sleep Over

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It's amazing how fast three weeks went. Lexi was officially together with Axel, as well as Noah and Eric. It was fight night for the guys and it was being held down at the Devil's Ring. The small trio decided to stick to dark washed jeans, and cute tops, or muscled dark grey shirt in Eric's case. They were just planning on meeting the guys there. Pulling into the parking spot Noah had made special for Eric in the front showing their ID's at the door. It was a strict 18 and up place. Anyone under 21 had to wear a bracelet so they couldn't not but alcohol you still had to present ID when buying anyway. The front guard checked the names on all of them to a list in his hand and called another guard to come collect them.

"Going to need you guys to go with him." "Is something wrong?" Lexi asked looking at him while the other two eyes grew with a little concern. "Oh no, miss just the boss man had us on look out for you three to be brought back to them when you got here. They're in the back getting ready waiting for you." They let a little breath of relief. "Oh ok, you had me on the line for a minute." Eric said walking through the door being held open. Everyone knew who Eric was and was going out of their way to make us feel welcomed. "What's with the all the special treatment going on here?" Lexi asked as they accepted the sodas brought to them on the way back.

"Well you see Noah is basically the guy making sure we all get paid so any man of the big boss man is not the one anyone wants to offend. Than you got the sweet little one back there." The guard said talking about Jessenia. "The Beast is the best most scariest fucker in this place. He finally got him a woman, no one is dumb enough to piss that man off he could actual hospitailize any one of us in less than three damn minutes. Guard said with a chuckle. "Than there's you Axe is one of the fastest smartest guy here right under the Beast and they family. Ain't no one here willong to get a double ass whopping. Not to mention the group is more like family so it's not just one person you offend when you make them mad. That being said your men are well respected so it's only natural to show the same to you." He said with a smile to them as he put his hand on the door.

"OK here we are." He knocked on the door. It swung open. With Jaxon standing in front of it shirtless wrapping his hands up. "Yeah", he asked looking up. "Oh hey lovelies come in here. Thank you Tomas." As the guard nodded and shut the door. Xavier walked up spinning Jess around. "Hey baby, did you guys get back here ok, any one give you any trouble?" He asked in a deep husky protective tone. "No trouble, they treated us like we were walking the red carpet. It's a little weird." She said hugging him close. "That's the way it should be baby." He said leaning in cupping her cheeks for a deep kiss. Smiling as he pulled away. She turned to see all the rest of the guys who are in long shorts and no shirts covered in tattoos. Starting to think you had to be built like a Greek god to be a part of this whole thing she heard Eric speak up. "Well damn I can't say the same for the girls but I'm starting to feel a little over dressed." Everyone started to laugh good with him. Noah pulling him into him his back to his chest. "We can fix that a little later tonight if your still feeling left out?" Noah said as he nibbled on his ear lobe making him blush.

"So how is everyone feeling?" Lexi said sitting on Axels lap while he just sitting there with a smile like he got what he wanted for Christmas." "We feel fine. How about y'all is this your first time being a part of something like this?" Jaxon asked looking around the room. "Yes but I'm fine now." Ryder joked. "It is for us. SO is there anything we should expect or watch out for?" Jess asked. "Actually there is. Sit and stay together not up front in the ring stay back few rows. Sometimes fighters get carried away in our world and sometimes find ourselves on the ground still going at it. Also It get's more rowdy the closer to the front you get. Also stay away from guys like all of them especially if they've been drinking. YOU never know how they can act up here." Xavier said looking here dead in the eyes.

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