Chapter 27: Letting Go

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"Well the bullets were quick and easy to remove there were two of them and it luckily they didn't it anything no major organ nothing. Both were close to the edge of the body and skin like right about here." He demonstrated lifting his shirt showing everyone. "SO that was the easy part. Than we went to the CT scans and an MRI, as we waited for the results we cleaned her up looking for any further damage. She took a pretty large slam to the head. It may take her some time to come around when she wakes remembering who you all are. Than again she may wake up fine all memories in tact. She will have bruises everywhere inside and outside of her body. They will heal up quickly I have a special cream to put on she will need about a full week or two of rest and light labor no straining the body. That goes along saying nay other special activities." Doctor said staring Xavier in his eyes making sure he knew to keep his snake in the cage. Xavier nodded to him.

"Is there any special things I need to do at home? Anything special to look out for? Any special diets or ya know anything like that?" Xavier asked as he took out his phone to the memo section in case he needed to know anything special. "She needs to be able take the medicines with food, it's just a special antibiotic for ten days just in case. She needs to keep the dressing and bullet wounds clean and changes if it bleeds for a while that's ok. She can eat whatever makes her comfortable keep it light the first day or three maybe sandwiches or soups things like that easy on the stomach it's sore as it is. Don't force feed her if she stops let her stop by day five you can start asking her to eat more but she may feel like she can't but she can. She will be in a lot of soreness and may even get migraines a lot so I will have some pain killers going along with her, but she can stick to the stronger IB Profins if she prefers those. She is already asking for that just to let you know. She needs the special little creams I prescribed here for her to make her not have all the scars, and it will also keep all those scratches clean. That stays on for five days. That's it son. She can be released as soon as we get her back into the MRI and CT machines for one finally check EKG says she's clean. She can leave tonight. The police will be by to talk with her and most likely all of you so hopefully you will all stick around. You can see her now please though keep it about four people at a time in the room. I will leave you be while the nurse leads the way." Doctor said shaking Callans and Xaviers hand.

"So how about I take you all with me and show you her room which is right next door to another waiting room so you guys can have a place to sit while you wait." She asks, looking around. They all got their stuff and followed her up the elevator on the second floor and down two different halls. "So who's first. We are." Callan said walking straight in. Xavier got up and stopped at the door, looking back. "Dimitri. Come on." Xavier said looking at him, while he stared back confused. "We all family right?" Xavier asked lifting an eyebrow back to him. Dimitri got up and followed him in whispering to him. "You really think that?" "I have to because she does. Like it or not boy you want to be around we both need to think like her." Xavier said back without missing a beat. "So you would jump back on that guy for me?" "Yes, I would. I will do anything for her, and anything else important to her." He said as they came up to her. They both took in a deep breath. She was like a big old blueberry. Blues, grey's, greenish yellows, and purples that covered all over her body.

"There's my baby." Callan said kissing her forehead. The guys sat back and let them have a moment. "Ho ware you feeling." "I'm really sore because I keep refusing any pain killer other than those IB Profins about 1000mg's."She said laughing with her dad. "IF you sure baby girl. I know how much you rather just tough through it. Sometimes I think you would have made a brilliant soldier." He said laughing deeply at her. Even though he felt his heart was taring to shreds watching his kid laid up in pain for the second time in a hospital bed with no way to help her.

"Daddy I swear I am ok. It was the weirdest thing. I was just walking along and the ground gave way. I tumbled a bit luckily this little fat ass rock broke my fall. Felt like it broke so much more than that." She said with a light laugh, wincing at the small pain that surged through her that came with it." Than this crazy suicidal man just popped out of nowhere. The whole placed looked familiar. Than after seeing Dimitri and Gio being there, I realized it was their family cabin up there. How crazy is that? Anyways the strangest shining light caught my eye it reminded me of the day you went hunting for them elks or deers, and it was the same shine that came off your barrel came from that one the strangest thing is it was aiming at Xavier, Marx, and Dimitri I just don't know who or why I couldn't see the face. That's it daddy, that's all I know."

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