Chapter 14: How Jessie met Dimitri

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The next morning Xavier kissed Jessie good bye, as he went to pick up Axel to go get breakfast at the café. As they were walking into the doors of the café they were greeted by Eric. "Hey guys go sit down I already made you three breakfast and it's about to come out." They turned and saw Noah laughing with Jessie as she placed three sweet teas down. "Good morning boys." She said kissing Axel's cheek, and placing sweet kisses onto her lips than walking back to get started on her work. Eric came out six with hot croissant, sausage, egg, and cheese little sandwhiches that were as big as their hands. "Damn baby I forgot you guys made these." Noah said happily getting to work putting his breakfast away. They we're just about to start their second one when they heard the door open.

Five older fancily dressed, you can tell they were from one of the other cities, with the snotty attitude to back behind that theory. Eric was manning the register as you could hear Jessie taking things out of the oven and putting new stuff in. Another employee has came through and was helping her make new cake batters for the up coming orders. The ladies ahead of him looked up and down in disgust not wanting to touch anything in the shop. Noah, Axel, and Xavier already didn't like them or the tone they gave off.

"Good morning ladies. What can I do for you today?" "Well you can start by wiping down an a table properly for us to sit down, than bring us two caramel lattes, and three mocha lattes in to go cups because I don't seriously those cups back there are clean to our standards." "Ok. Sure we'll get started right on that." Eric said as he turned to go get Jes to rewipe the tables. Jessie went straight through those doors holding up her hand at Erics very pist off.

"Hell good morning Mrs. Damico, Mrs. Vitale, Mrs. Lorenzo, Mrs. Russo, and Mrs. Moretti. We welcome you to our lovely little shop happily, however if you are going to sit around and verbally abuse the workers and talk down to us about our very sanitized shop than you can feel free to go back into your vehicle and go back home to the coffee shops in Atheo. We have the right to refuse service to rude and uptight patrons. However if you would like to alter your tone we would be happy to serve you." Jessie said with the sweetest voice and smile. The women in front of her mouths dropped opened as they glared at her Except Mrs. Russo, and Mrs. Vitale who only smirked at her.

"That's our girl." Mrs. Russo said. "Now Cami go sit your tight ass down over there." She added. Jessie winked at her. Mrs. Vitale came closer to Jessie. "You know we came to see you." She winked. "Of course. I hope it was worth the almost two hour car ride." She said plating their drinks." They guys sat and looked curiously. "So those are all the moms of the Atheo crew we destroyed in the ring the other night?" Axel asked. "Yup it seems that way. This can't be good." Xavier said. "Do you think we should leave, and on the way out hand a pamphlet of a good etiquette school near by hell, or wherever it was they from. Aint going to be talking to my baby in any type of way I know that." Noah said wiping his hand angrily on his napkin. The other two smiling nodding along.

"Ok ladies. Why don't you just say what you drove all the way down here to say to me, and not play the fake nice games anymore. It's just insulting all of us." Jessie said as she held on to tightly to the tray that reached to her thighs. "It is good to see you my dear, it has been far to long." Mrs. Moretti said hugging her close. "I have missed you she added looking at her lovingly, she did always considered her, her daughter it broke her heart to think it might not actually happen. "It's good to see you Aria." "I told you to call me mom. "I don't think that is an appropriate thing anymore." Jessie said making the older women get a little misty eyed.

"I am holding the Woman's luncheon next Saturday afternoon and I need you to cater the treats. Please." She said. Happily sitting down with her friends who were all excited. "You came all the way down here to get a bakery caterer. You know they have bakers in Atheo?" "Oh please I don't need any hacks making a joke of my event. You know I won't have anything less than the best and everyone knows that's you. You are single handle taking over city by city soon enough the whole state will be begging for you're tasteful edible art." Aria said proudly.

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