Chapter 22: Should have went for the Burger

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Xavier was hugging and kissing and being lost in love playful as the two men and a couple staff and Eric loaded the van filled with the order. They deemed it only fair since she stayed late and did almost all the work herself, and will have to set everything up her self along with who ever came to help unload the racks. "Before I forget I made these for you. There's about fifty in their I don't know if you going to run into anyone else besides the guys and they can just give them to their parents." Xavier said with a seep smile handing over their invites. "Thank you sweetheart." She said with a big smile. "Weird honesty moment?" She said looking up at him. HE looked down shaking his head to hear with a smile. Knowing how she only says those kind of things when she's opening up to him..

"It feels weird to invite them to my wedding. Our wedding." She said correcting herself. "After all the last couple years of being friends with them, and almost my whole life with their parents it feels wrong not too. It's almost like my heart made me be obligated to invite them, but my head was telling me maybe not. I don't want it to be weird for them. I Sure as hell don't want it to feel weird for you. Are you sure you are ok with this? I could always tell the guys it's just didn't feel appropriate." Jessie said. "Baby, I am fine with this. I know they were at one point basically your family, and I know how important of a role they have played in your life, that ultimately lead you to me. You can invite anyone you want to hell the more the merrier. I want the whole world to witness you tying yourself to me for the rest of our lives. Let the whole world see you become permanently mine." He said playing with her hands forehead resting on hers looking in her eyes. "You know when you get sweet like that it makes me think maybe five more weeks is just too long." HE laughed at her. "Wedding chapels all over the world babe, court house is about twenty minute walk from here. Open at 9am. "HE said playfully.

"Ya well as tempting as it sounds to do that and have our parents kill us both for not being able to be there, I have a meeting." She said playfully. "Mrs. Graves we're ready." Xavier had the worlds biggest smile looking at the three men in front of her, as she looked at him a little confused. "IS this your doing?" She asked looking at him. "Nope that was all me I was sure to remind them before you went all the way to Atheo for your meeting, and all those partners to be informed of your name." Eric said hand covering his evil happy smile. Looking at Xavier who is just smiling deeply at him. "Dude I love you so much right now." Xavier said looking at him. "I know." Eric said chuckling to himself. "Have a safe trip Mrs. Graves." Eric said laughing his way back into the kitchen shutting the door behind him.

"Man I love the sound of you wearing my name. Rather have you screaming my name but this is just as good." Xavier said as he opened the door for her to get in the car. "I got this man. Just know if anything happens to her the next time you see me on tv will because of what I will do to you on the news." He told the driver with a serious look. "Yes sir." The driver stuttered out in a weak voice. "Have a safe and productive trip my love. You don't have to hurry back, but don't forget you are mine tonight, you going to be mine a couple times over if you going to be looking this good." He said nipping on her neck. "Challenge accepted." She said kissing him deeply getting in the car." Shutting the door. He waited for her to get all the way around the corner to text her. I miss you already come back :,( . Shaking her head she texted back. Go get your hours in so we can have the weekend to ourselves. That's the great thing about being boss. Eric and Jessie always had the weekend off unless a special order or catering order came through. They rotated the workers so they were given two weekends off a month they just had to pick which ones they wanted and right it on the board on the door which had the current month and the next month coming on it. They had promoted three of the six people they had working right now, and planned on hiring fifteen more so they could all rotate catering jobs too.

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