Chapter 23: Mothers Act of Love

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Walking through the door it was just enough light to make everything out in the special little torture room they have been using a lot lately. They actually had two people down there this time. The drunk man who hit Jessie and Raul the driver. Than on the right side they had the man who wasted their time today in the meeting. Knowing the contract was an odd one they planned on getting all kinds of answers tonight. They just weren't sure just how quickly they wanted to end this after all they did deserve what they were getting.

"So I hear you have information you want to barter with for your life. Well now see that all depends on the information you provide. That goes for you too Martin. I just wan you to know if you fail to provide me with truthful answers it won't be just you suffering. Don't get me wrong you will suffer greatly. However I am a forgiving man and they are reasonable men if you provide us with truthful answers you will in fact be rewarded. You both know we are men known to keep our word. No?" Dimitri said his accent coming through a little thicker.

"So than who wants to show and tell first?" Leo asked clapping his hands and keeping them close to his chest in an excited manner. "How about the man who thought it would be a good idea to get loaded and take the wrong way afternoon drive?" Gio said. Holding a knife up to his face and nicked his cheek a little to see little drip bits of blood. "What is your name?" Mateo asked. "Ian. My name is Ian." He said scared with his hands in chains hanging over his head. His legs in chains around his ankles, as well as his little cell mate Martin. "So Ian, do you wan to tell us why you smashed into our sweet little Jessies car today?" Leo asked. "I was paid to do it. I just knew with the state's by laws recently if I could prove the accident to be a DUI than I would serve a short sentence of less than a year." HE said almost crying. "Who paid you to do it. Why did they want to hurt her?" "I don't know why. She didn't tell me. Her name was I don't know something that went with some damn flower." He yelled as Leo held a cattle prod to his manhood than to his nipples.

"It was... it was poppy, no . Iris. No, no. It was. AWW!" He yelled as Leo prodded Ian right directly to his nipple. Leaving a burn bruise. "LILY! HER NAME WAS LILY!" He screamed as Leo brought the little taser to his manhood through his pants. The guys all stopped and dropped everything in their hands and starred at him for a moment. "What did she say when she came to implore your services?" Tony asked. They all gathered closer to him with nothing in their hands just trying to hear him better. "She just said she was trying to stop some girl form making a stupid choice and see reason. I wasn't suppose to do any fatal damage and no one was suppose to find out to this extent." He said. As each guy took two deep punches on the man.

"Do you have any evidence of what you're saying is true?" Mateo asked. "Take my phone. Everything you need is in there I record all my conversations, the texts and emails. Everything is in there." The man sobbed. Taking the phone out of the bag of things they confiscated form him. Dimitri and Tony quickly looking through everything form Jennifer. Growing even more angry as they uncovered everything her mother had sent. Lily had hired him to cause physical harm to Jessenia in hopes to not only prevent or prolong her upcoming nuptials but to try to persuade her to break her radio silence with her. It seems that Lily was starting to clawing at straws to piece her broken family back together everything but change her ways that is.

Looking at each other and the others nodding that he was right. "So you were going to hospitalized an innocent woman for basically blood money is this what I am understanding?" Mateo asked in shock that any mother could do this to their kid. Whether they were supposedly grown or not how could you be so willing to hurt your own child? They never had a problem with their parents and their approval or love though, not like how Jessie has her whole life. This was an all time low even for Lily, this was by far the worse thing she has ever done to her. They did not Beast either, but they would never cause her physical harm just to make sure she couldn't walk down the aisle.

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