Episode 9 - November Rain

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I've never lost a friend before; I've never had to attend a funeral before, either, but here I am, missing one of my dearest friends and sitting at his funeral. Zane died just over a week ago. I haven't spoken to anyone except my father because no one except my father is willing to talk. I feel selfish for wanting them to share their grief with me. I don't know why, but I do. It makes it extra hard, though: Sitting here with all of them, staring into their broken, tearstained faces and not being capable to shed a single tear of my own. But I've just ran out of tears to give.

"I used to think technology would be the answer to all our problems. But then I saw technology invent new problems. Devastating problems. And then a Nindroid named Zane saved us all.

"He was the perfect balance between us and technology. He taught us that life should be a balance. Technology can improve our lives, but so can people. And if we focus on one at the expense of the other, that's when balance is off.

"Our city will find its way again, but this time with Zane as our compass. With that, I give you the Titanium Ninja."

Cyrus Borg reaches behind him and pulls away the green tarp, revealing a titanium statue of Zane. His falcon flies over and lands on his shoulder, just as it should.

Nya is the first to break their week long vigil.

"So, what happens after this?"

"I don't know," Cole mumbles.

"And I don't care. Today is about Zane," Jay adds dreadfully.

The three of them and Kai sit in the front row with Uncle Wu. They knew him longest, so it's only fair, but I wish I could be sitting next to Kai, holding his hand and drying his tears. Lloyd and I sit in the row behind them with our parents.

"And now Kai would like to speak for those who knew him best," Borg says.

Kai stands up and walks up onto the stage, in front of the statue. He takes a deep breath before he begins.

"Everyone wondered what powered Zane. I don't know if we'll ever know, but I'd like to think it was brotherhood. Because he powered me-- and he'll still power me as his memory lives on. Ninja never quit, and Ninja will never be forgotten. Wherever you are, Zane, you'll always be one of us."

When started to snow, I knew Zane had heard him. Zane was still with us and he will always be with us, because Ninja never quit. Or at least they aren't supposed to.


It's been a week since Zane's funeral. Mom and Dad went back to Dad's monastery, Lloyd and I decided to stay with Uncle and the others. I'm not sure why, but the bounty is out of commission so we've all been staying in Nya's underground Samurai bunker. Hardly anyone ever talks and I hate it. Occasionally, Lloyd and Nya will say a few words to me, but the other three have resumed their vigil.

The worst part of this whole experience, however, is being virtually abandoned by Kai. Not only is he not talking, he's also not hugging me, he's not crying in my arms, he's not holding my hand, he's not even looking at me. It's almost like I no longer exist, and that's what hurts to most.

But I've decided I've had enough. I've decided I'm going to make him look at me and I'm going to make him talk to me, whether he likes it or not. So I march down to his room and open the door, but what I see is not what I expect.

Kai is not laying on his bed, moping. Kai is sauntering around his room, pulling clothes from the drawers and stuffing them into a suitcase. Kai is packing all of his things. Kai is leaving, and my intuition tells me that he wasn't going to say goodbye.

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