Episode 4 - Death's Doorstep

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"We got here at the exact same time!" Kai exclaims as the seven of us dismount our elemental dragons.

"Oh, darn!" says Cole. "Now how do we decide who gets to fight?"

While the monkeys debate, I take a moment to size up the scene. All the windows in Borg's store have shattered, and inside is an orange snake warrior. But there's someone else in there with the creature. Someone clad in brown.

"Is that Dareth?" asks Kai, also noticing our clumsy friend.  "Maybe he'll--"

Kai is cut off by Dareth's scream as he's catapulted towards us. He lands hard on his butt, skidding to a stop at our feet. "Sup? I roughed hum up for you, but feel free to finish the guy off."

"Hey, Zane," says Kai. "You still have those dice?"

"I have virtual ones." His eyes flash a brighter blue as his computers work. Pixal's voice announces the results: "Kai."

"Yeah! Haha!" my lover cheers.

"Wait! Aren't you gonna draw your sword?" says Nya as he struts towards the snake.

"I'm good, sis," says Kai. He approaches his enemy and crosses his arms. Okay, I don't wanna brag, but the other day I helped stop, like, an Elemental Master of Time, so I think I can handle on lousy sna--"

Kai is launched back towards us. I use my energy to slow his fall, but the force of the beast's punch still knocked the wind out of him.

"Who's next?"

"Zane," says Pixal.

"Aw, come on," Lloyd groans. "That was totally rigged! We didn't even see the roll!"

Zane charges into battle, but is soon sent flying back to us with a hard thud.

"You guys got this?" says Dareth as he slowly backs away from the situation. "Good." Then he runs.

"Hang on, guys," says Cole. "There's something I've been wanting to try again." His arms start to glow orange.

"Oh, what, that earth-punch thing?" says Jay, rolling his eyes. "Like that worked so well last time."

"No problem," says Cole, charging towards the snake. He jumps into the air, twisting his body to put as much force into the punch as he can. His fist collides with the snake warrior and it explodes into many tiny orange snakes.



"You--you totally disintegrated him!" Jay cries.

"I-it was an accident," Cole exclaims, looking between his fists.

"Look!" says Nya. The snakes are slithering back towards the pieces of armor, piling up onto each other, rebuilding the warrior.

"Ew! Grosser!" wails Jay.

"Come on, team," I say, clapping my hands to gather their attentions. "We've done this before. There's more than one way to stop a snake."

On my mark, we all spinjitzu at the beast. The force of our mini tornados scatters the snakes once again, but they still slither back together.

"I'm starting to think we might have underestimated this guy," says Kai.

"It certainly appears so."

"You said there was more than one way to stop a snake!" Jay yells, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking my entire body. "Which way do you wanna try now?"

I shove him away with a glare. "Um, any of them?" But the snake monster doesn't seem interested in us anymore. It turns on its heals and heads back into the store.

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