Episode Bonus - Hole Hearted

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Five more hours. If I just close my eyes and fall asleep, the Warden will be banging on my cell when I wake up. He will escort me to his office to fill out some paperwork, then I will finally be released from prison. At last, I can exact my revenge on Tasha Garmadon for putting me in this hell hole, and then . . .

I blink up at the ceiling. There's that afterimage again. A face that's blurry, but familiar. Black hair, tanned skin, chocolate brown eyes. The visage of the ninja clad in black.

For the past three months I've been seeing his face whenever I close my eyes. I can't explain why, but the mere thought of him prompts a smile to spread across my face and sends butterflies swarming to my stomach. And the simple fact that I am presently without him makes my chest ache. It's like there's a hole in my heart and it can only be filled by him.

But I don't know why that hole is even there. I've only ever seen him twice; Only actually spoken to him once. So why can't I get him out of my head? Why is he taking up every spare thought? Why is it that I miss him so much?

I shake my head and slap my cheeks to snap myself out of it. Why am I worrying about this now, when in five hours I'll be a free woman? I'm gonna get out of here, eliminate Tasha Garmadon, and then, then I can worry about him. I just need to go to sleep.

I roll onto my side, tucking my hands under my pillow to prop it up a little higher, giving my head a little more support. The wall in front of me is a blank slate. Just like my life after tomorrow. A fresh start. I just gotta close my eyes and drift to sleep.

But when sleep finally does come, he plagues my dreams.



My eyes fly open, and still, his face is burned to my brain. God, why is he so gorgeous? I wish I could be mad about it, but it just makes me feel all giddy inside.

"You ready to go, Lil?"

I sit up in my bed, and meet the Warden's eyes. He looks more excited than I am. Some people might say it's because he now has one less prisoner to take care of, but I know that it's because he's my friend. Since day one, he's always been sympathetic towards me and my situation; I had literally been created a few hours ago, and I'd already landed in prison. He was actually the one to suggest I give myself a name after I got super pissed about being referred to as "Tasha Garmadon Clone" all the time.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say, sliding out of bed and lacing up the standard gray sneakers every inmate wears.

The Warden unlocks my cell door and ushers me out. He leads me down the many familiar halls until we reach a very familiar room: his office. He opens the door and everything's the same. Same desk, same pictures on the walls, same books on the bookshelves, same ancient computer (he claims it works better than any new computer possibly could), and same ugly green rug in the center. The only thing different is the man in the purple suit sitting in one of the two chairs I usually sit in.

"Ah," says the man, flashing me a faux smile. "You're here. Finally. Shall we get started then?"

I have to hold back a scoff. This man sure is impatient.

I take the seat beside him while the Warden sits in his chair across from us. He reaches into his desk drawer and shuffles through a few files before he finally pulls out mine. He sets it on the desk in front of him, and then slides it across to Purple Guy, who starts reading through it. Then he pulls a pen out of nowhere and starts adding his signature to a few of the sheets.

I glance back and forth between the two. Why the hell does this guy get my paperwork and not me? And why the hell is he signing it for me?

"Um, excuse me, but who the hell are you, and why the hell are you signing my forms?"

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