Episode 2 - Date Night

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"Alright everybody, welcome to Yoga Class: Balance Rotation. Today we are going to be doing exactly what it sounds like: working on improving our balance," I say as I roll out my yoga mat.

As much as I like teaching yoga, I'd much rather be at home teaching Lloyd. No matter how crappy that original apartment was, it would've been better than the big luxurious one we currently have. At least there we would have had time to train my little brother. I know for a fact my father hasn't slowed his efforts in taking over Ninjago, so it seems silly that we don't prioritize training Lloyd to stop him. Nevertheless, I do my job.

"Okay, the first pose is one of my favorite poses, Tree Pose. Plant you're right foot, shifting all your weight to that side. Once you have gained balance, lift your left foot up and place it on the inside of your right thigh. Now, you can put your hands in prayer, or you can lift them up in the air. If you want to get very advanced, you can bring your eyes to the sky."

I do exactly as I instruct, though my eyes don't go to the sky. They are scanning the room, watching my students to make sure they do it right. A grin spreads across my face when I see Chubby Charlie thriving in this pose. Say what you will about her, but she has remarkable balance.

"Good job everyone, you can lower your foot back to the ground," I say with a grin. "Now you get to do the other side."


Today's classes went by very fast, despite the extended hours. Before I knew it, the sun was beginning to set and it was time for me to head home. However, when I got to the apartment building, something was off. For starters, Jay's motorbike was not there and he's always the first one home. Secondly, my key card wasn't working, which was very unnerving. Thirdly, when I tried to call Kai, he didn't answer. A knot began to form in my chest as panic ensued.

"Tasha?" I turn to see Uncle Wu and Nya approaching me. "What's wrong?"

"Jay's not home yet, my key card's not working, Kai's not answering me, and Lloyd is up there by himself," I shout.

Nya places her hands on my shoulders. "Hey, calm down. You said you were all working late, maybe they're still at work. I have my key card, we'll get in."

I take a deep, calming breath and nod. "Okay. Let's just get in."

Nya's key card successfully opens the door and we hurry inside. The elevator ride seems to take decades, but we eventually arrive at the penthouse floor. When the elevator doors open, I don't see Lloyd. Panic ensues again, but Nya assures me that he's around here somewhere. Relief floods me when I realize the double doors to the entertainment room are closed. That relief quickly fades when I hear Lloyd's shouts.

"What do you want with me?" He yells.

"You sssseem to be the only ting your father cares about. But with you in my hostage he'll have no other choice but to let me lead the Serpentine!" Hisses Skales. Lloyd lets out a small cry of surprise; Scale's must have lunged for him. "Let'sss train."

Uncle pushes me aside and knocks on the door. "Hello? What's going on in there?"

"Help!" Lloyd cries.

Nya tries to open the door, but it's locked. She tries her key card on the control pad, but it does nothing to help. Sounds of battle ensue on the other side, bringing me into full on panic mode. In an irrational effort to help my brother, I ram my body into the door. To my surprise, the door is destroyed and we are welcomed into the room.

Skales has his tail wrapped firmly around Lloyd's torso and is making a mad slither for the window. My vision turns purple and, with a scream of rage, I summon a ball of dark energy to my fingertips and launch it at Skales. The ball hits him square in the back, releasing his grip on Lloyd and throwing him to the floor. Still in a fit of fury, I rush towards Skales, a fresh ball of purple and black tendrils in my hand. I am about to throw it in his face, but Uncle stops me.

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