Episode 14 - To Unlock the Dragon

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It didn't take us long to defeat the cultists. A few of them escaped, including Chen, Clouse, and Skylar, but the ones that didn't we tied up.

Everyone has been destroying every means of getting off the island in hopes of trapping Chen here, but I'm just wondering how we're supposed to get off.

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear," Cole reports. "Still no sign of Chen and Clouse."

"What about Skylar?" Kai asks.

I roll my eyes. "What about her?"

"She wasn't able to pick her family," Lloyd says, glancing at me pointedly, "but she was able to pick her friends. And since Kai is her friends, that means so are we. We'll find her."

I let out an aggravated sigh and cross my arms.

"He's right," says Cole. "With no way off this island, it'll only be a matter of time."

"I'm proud of you six," Dad says. "You've done what the original Elemental Masters never could: stick together. But you must not let your guard down when you sleep."

I roll my eyes again and leave the group without a response. Now that there is no more tournament, no more threat of stolen powers, and no more threat of an evil Kai, I haven't had anything to distract me from what's been bugging me all this time. Crippling depression has plagued me for the past few months, and Kai's persistent need to save Skylar hasn't helped at all. I don't care if she chose to betray her father, she'll always be evil in my eyes.

"You okay?"

Of course, Cole comes to check on me.

"I'm fine," I say tersely.

"Are you sure? Jay said you've been in a mood since I left."

I scoff. "Jay doesn't know anything."

"He's more observant than you think."

I sigh and turn to face him. "I just don't particularly like Kai at the moment. Or Skylar, for that matter."

"What did they do?"

"Nothing," I grumble defensively, turning away from him again. "Just leave me alone."



"Tasha, can I talk to you?"

"No, Kai," I say through gritted teeth. "Go away."

"Please? It's important."

"She said go away."

Thank you, Cole.

"I just wanted to say sorry," Kai says. "I'm sorry for all those horrible things I said a few nights ago. I didn't mean them."

Cole stares at me, waiting for a response, but I don't have one.

"Do you really hate me?"

Cole does a double take, glancing between Kai and I quickly, but he doesn't say anything.

Finally, I turn and face them. "Of course not. Now will you both leave me alone?"

Kai seems satisfied with the answer and leaves. Cole, on the other hand, stares at me with wide eyes.

"You didn't try to . . . did you?"


"Are you okay?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"


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