Episode 13 - Definition of Power

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"He knows we're coming," Lloyd says. "But we cant just hide here and do nothing."

The four of us are crouched on top of a wall on the outskirts of Chen's palace. Cultists patrol the grounds; there are at least fifty of them.

"We have to wait until nightfall," Nya replies. "There's too many."

"And then what? Every minute we're out here, he grows more powerful and--"

"Son," Dad says, cutting Lloyd off, "Chen grows stronger by taking power from others. But real power does the opposite. It empowers those around you, like the way you've empowered me. We will get you and Tasha to Chen, and you will destroy his staff."

For a few hours, we waited on top of that roof, plotting and preparing. In order for us to succeed, everything had to be perfect. So we waited and waited until the perfect moment arose.

"Remember," Dad says, "destroy the staff and everyone's power returns. You two came here to make your team whole. Finish the job."

Nya shoots her grappling hook and the four of us swing onto the roof of Chen's palace. Dad takes out a cultist while Nya takes out two more. We climb through a window and into the grand halls. Then an alarm blares, Lloyd tripped a laser.

Cultists race into the room from every direction and we do our best to fight them off.

"There's too many of them!" Lloyd exclaims.

"I'll hold them," says Nya. "You three, find Chen."

We leave, turning down another hallway and running straight into Clouse. "Look out!" Dad yells as Clouse throws a ball of magic dust at our faces, almost knocking us down.

"Go! Leave Clouse to me!"

"Good luck," Lloyd says.

Clouse chuckles lowly. "Your father doesn't believe in luck."

"We know," I say. "He wasn't talking to him."

Lloyd grabs my hand and we race down the opposite hallway. Our path is clear of cultists, we have a free shot to our destination. Then Lloyd trips another trip wire and another trapdoor opens beneath us.

"Ugh," Lloyd groans as we land on the rocky bottom. "Chen and his trapdoors."

A loud roar sounds down the opposite hall.

"Uh, oh."

"Lloyd, Tasha! This way, come on!" Kai appears at the other end of the hall, a torch in hand. Lloyd doesn't hesitate to hurry towards him. I contemplate being eaten by the snake, but then decide that Lloyd wouldn't be too happy with me if I was, so I follow as well.

Kai leads us down a narrow hall, one the snake cant follow, and we slow to a walk.

"Kai, you escaped," Lloyd says. "What happened?"

"I managed to slip free, but Chen took all our powers," Kai replies. "If we can find them--"

"There's no time," Lloyd says. "We have to stop Chen. Alone if we have to."

Kai suddenly stops walking. He turns to look at us, a guilty expression plastered across his face. I narrow my eyes.

"What is it?" Lloyd says stupidly.

"I'm sorry guys," he says. He blows out his torch and everything goes dark. "This will all makes sense when it's over."

"You son of a bitch!"

Lloyd grabs my hand and starts pulling me through the halls. "Kai? Kai, where are you!" he shouts. Then we walk out into Chen's thrown room; a light shines on the golden bracket, there is a picture of Lloyd and I in the final slot and we're paired against Chen.

Promises (Ninjago's Kai x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora