Episode 5 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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I've been sitting in the center of the old, burnt-down monastery for three hours now, hoping that the damned Jinn would show himself. He's supposed to only come when you're alone. Well--

"Come get me, dammit!" I yell into the emptiness, smacking my palm against the ground. The tiles crack. Then the Jinn appears.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here," says the Jinn. He has a thick accent, and his mustache twitches when he talks.

"Don't act like you discovered me," I snap before he can finish his gloating entrance. "I've been waiting for you, you stupid genie."

Any air of friendliness the Jinn had before instantly disappears. "Jinn. Not Genie."

"Same difference."

He lets out a grunt-like growl. Good. If he's angry, he can't focus. If he can't focus, he can't trick me. If he can't trick me, I get exactly what I want.

"State your wishes," the Jinn snarls.

"Awe. Why in such a rush? I thought we could get to know each other a little bit." My condescending tone only makes him angrier.

"I know who you are, Tasha Garmadon. You are Sensei to the ninja, whom I have captured in jail."

"Actually, I captured them. They're in jail because of me."

The Jinn's eyes widen slightly. "You betray them?"

"Betray them? Me? Oh, no, no, no. You've got it all wrong. I'm just teaching them a lesson."


Silence, fiend!

They don't make any more noise.

"What lesson involves putting them in jail?" His anger is dissipating. He sounds genuinely curious. That's not good.

"A lesson on trust," I say quickly, not giving him chance to read into it. "Now, give me my wishes, Genie."

"Jinn. And you were the one that started this conversation."

Now we're getting somewhere.

"Right. Jinn. Sorry." I pause for dramatic effect. "Hey, what's your name, actually? We've been talking for five minutes and I don't know who you are."

The Jinn's face scrunches. He's getting annoyed, but he answers my question, nevertheless. "I am Nadakhan the Jinn. Now make your damn wishes."

"Why so prickly, Nadakhan?" I ask, making sure to put a mocking emphasis on his name. "Don't you enjoy talking to me?"

He takes a deep breath to calm himself before forcing a smile. "Of course I do. I just don't want to delay your wishes any longer. You deserve them."

I start to laugh. Genuinely. It's the mustache.

"What is so funny?" Nadakhan snarls, smile disappearing.

"You don't smile often, do you?"

"Are you gonna make your wishes or not?"

"Yes, yes," I say, placing a hand on my chest to try to compose myself. "Just give me a sec to regain my breath."

His eye twitches; I almost burst out laughing again.

"Alright, alright. I'm ready."

Nadakhan narrows his eyes, but doesn't reply.

"I wish . . ."

He floats closer. "You wish?"

"I wish to talk to my father. His contact in my phone will reach him. Beyond the grave. I will be able to talk to him--the real him--from wherever he is in the afterlife. I can call him any time I wish and he will answer. He can call me whenever he wants too. I will be able to talk to him."

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