Episode 4 - Stabbed in the Back

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Shut up.


Shut up.


Shut up.


Shut up!



The voice in my head has been quite for a while. It must sense what I'm doing. It only ever goes quite when I do something immoral. If only it new my intentions. It probably wouldn't be so quiet then. I just have to go through the motions and stay out of jail. Then, I can catch this Jinn and make my wishes.

"Tasha. Can you hear me?"

I press my finger to my ear and the soft buzz ceases. "Loud and clear, Ronin."

"Alright. I'm hacking into Zane's system now. Be ready."


I pull the pin from my hair and jam it into the golden lock on the library door. A few jiggles later, there's a click and it opens. I step inside, closing the door as quietly as I can behind me. I can see Lloyd on the other side of this row of bookshelves. He's standing infront of Zane, tapping on his tin head.

"Are you there?" he asks.

"I took the liberty to close off the wing, Lloyd." Ronin's voice echoes throughout the library from the intercoms. "Been meaning to say, love the t.v. spot. What was it you guys said? 'Reading is the first step to every adventure?'"

"Sorry, Zane, but I've gotta get out of here," Lloyd mumbles before darting to the nearest window.

Ronin's one step ahead of him. With a buzz and a loud, grating sound, large metal bars slide up to block the windows, caging Lloyd in.

"Yeah, they installed those to keep the bad guys out. Or was it the good guys in? I don't remember for the life of me. Which are you, Lloyd? Good guy or bad guy?"

"We were framed. You know us, Ronin. We would neve do any of that stuff."

"You also know me, and I'm getting paid an awful lot to bring you guys in." Ronin appears from behind the bookshelf across from me and Lloyd stumbles back. "How's Nya? Boy, I missed her."

Lloyd throws a ball of energy at Ronin, who jumps out of the way, causing a bookshelf to topple over.

"Lets make this easy. I'll take you back to the station, you can answer their questions and clear your name."

"Not until we stop the threat. And you're gonna pay for what you did to Zane. But not today." With that, Lloyd sprints towards the door, only to falter when he comes across me. "Tasha?"

"Stand down, Lloyd," I say, voice loud and clear. I summon a ball of dark energy to each of my hands. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You're helping him!?"

I heave a sigh, lowering my hands slightly. "No, I'm here to check out a book."


"I've made a deal with him. I help him catch you, I stay out of jail."

"And you trust him?"

"Nope! But what's life without a little risk, huh?"

"I-I don't understand!?

"There's nothing really to understand. Just trust me Lloyd. It'll all work out in the end."

Lloyd stares at me for a moment, green eyes sparkling with fear and confusion. Then, to my surprise and horror, they darken to a look that holds anger and frustration. "I knew something was up. I didn't want to believe it, but it's true."

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