A Move

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"Fucking unbelievable!" Miu ranted, as she was going down the mastermind's room with Gonta alone. Thankfully, no one stopped them, because it would look suspicious with Miu carrying a bag of 'somethings' but still...

"Iruma-san?" Gonta asked tentatively, but Miu waved it away.

"Whatever. Let's just do what the little shit wants," Miu said.

Gonta nodded determinedly at that, but Miu still thought about Gonta's message, what Kokichi wanted them to do...

Honestly, Miu still found it unebelievable.

The fact that he would trust them to do something like that without him around.

'Why...? Does he really trust us that much?'

But Miu shook her head. Because that wasn't even possible. If there was one thing Miu and Kokichi share in the same vein, something that normal people should have in this fucking killing game, is that they don't trust easily. For Miu it was due to fear of betrayal, for Kokichi was unknown but probably the same reason as her.

Although Miu was unsure... there may be many reasons to distrust but usually the reasons boil down to one similarity, fear of people she guessed, for a reason. That's why there's distrust.

So it is very surprising that Kokichi might be distracting Tsumugi, the mastermind and thus letting Miu and Gonta do whatever they wanted.

However, it was more believable the fact that there may be variable factors that played to this happening.

Whatever the case Miu knew this was an opportunity that should not go wasted. And Miu knew what she had to do.

Because all she had to do what she was supposed to do. The decisions she made. The route taken that will get her out alive without any killing.

She hoped.

As Miu thought aplenty to herself, giving comfortable silence throughout the room, they have finally made it to the room and once again uncovered the sheet that revealed Motherkuma.

It was shocked and angry to see them.

"What the hell are you doing here again?! And why has no one killed?!" Motherkuma demanded.

Miu shrugged while Gonta decided to do his own thing.

"Of course we would be down here again. We aren't even close to done with you yet," Miu said, as she settled with her tools she took out from her bag.

"Wha- what are you going to do?" Motherkuma asked, immediately scared. Why's that? She made sure she treated Motherkuma so well during her reprogram, even if it was not even the least it deserved.

"I promise to be gentle~" Miu cooed, trying to pacify it. Usually Miu had healthy respect for inventions, but when they screw her over, there would be hell to pay. Plus, she already swore no nice inventor.

So, RID (Rest In Despair) Motherkuma although she still maintained professional dignity working with it.

"Eep!" Motherkuma let out a shriek, which made Miu frowned. If she remembered from the last time she tinkered Motherkuma, it was good and standard all around so why was it scared? Really, it should be glad that the Ultimate Inventor was even giving it the time of day.

"Now, let's get down to business," Miu said with determination.

"Wha- what are you going to do?!" Motherkuma demanded.

"Oh you will see...." Miu said softly, because by the time she was done with it, it will be spewing out information as easy as being laid.

Miu had cranked up many inventions in her day, mostly for the heck of it if anything, and usually when she was bored or blocked which was half the time unfortunately.

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