To The Final Curtain Call

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"How... how are you still alive?" Tsumugi asked, in her struggle against Gonta who had immediately jumped to restrain her. Rantaro, who was still sitting in the Exisal where he had pretended to be either Kokichi or Miu, had been pointing one of the Exisal's dangerous weapons behind Kiibo's back and directly to Monokuma. On his lap, sitting upright and facing them, was a Monopad which had yet to be turned on and a video camera.

Everyone else had trouble processing the quick change of reality of what they had known as truth turned into something else entirely. Maki looked ready to jump into the fray herself after what happened to Tsumugi and Kiibo. Kaito was trying to look brave, but had paled considerably every time he looked at Rantaro and tried to avoid looking at him. Shuichi was supporting the pale Kaito and finding words of reassurance to him while looking nervously at the situation before them.

Himiko was cowering, looking between Gonta with a surprised look that he could pull off something like this and at the Exisal, nervous that she would be the next hostage of its weapons after Kiibo. Kiibo himself was very stiff, feeling the weapon coldly on his back that served as a warning and made no sudden movements. Tsumugi was struggling with all her might, unbelieving that since go, the trial had not gone right whatsoever. This was simply the final straw.

"You forgotten about those clones so soon, huh? You can put two and two together who Ouma-kun really 'revived'," Rantaro said calmly.

"Oh... yeah, yeah... there's no way this was the work of spirits. There is a perfectly good explanation," Kaito said, as if he was reassuring himself, "Then, what on earth are you doing? Why the hell are you doing this?!"

"And Gonta," Kaito rounded on Gonta next, "What has gotten into you?! What are you even doing to Shirogane?"

Even if they all knew that Gonta was an accomplice of sorts to Miu and Kokichi, this turn of events would still shock anyone to the core.

"Yeah, we need answers!" Monokuma shouted, unfazed of the gun pointed right at the bear, "Who do you think you are, suddenly ambushing your fellow classmates and headmaster like that in the sacred trial grounds, even if the whole thing ended? If that's the case, I might as well torture you for answers, then punish both of you before I execute the true culprit. Oh Monokubs~ Time to bring out the other Exisals and show off your own might."

Everyone looked towards the Monokubs, expecting the Exisals to come down for the torture and punishment of Rantaro and Gonta, but the Kubs remained still and silent, doing nothing.

"My sweet little Kubs," Monokuma crooned, "I told you to take out the Exisals and take out Gonta and Amami-kun."

"I'm... I'm sorry Daddy, but we can't!" Monotaro cried.

"What do you mean you can't?" Monokuma asked, his voice dangerously low.

"The Exisals are not responding to our summons...! We just can't..." Monophanie cried.

"What? What do you mean, they are not responding your summons?! Do I really have to do everything- wha... really, how?" Monokuma asked, confused as the Monokubs. This reaction really meant that something did happen to the Exisals. But what?

"What did you do to those Exisals?" Monokuma growled lowly, "Even without them, I can still-"

"You didn't even need to torture us for answers," Rantaro interrupted calmly so no one will ever know Monokuma's violent threat, "I'm sure all of you are curious about what really happened, but I will let the people who orchestrated it explain the whole thing to you."

"Wait... the people... you don't mean..." Kiibo said, unable to form the sentence because it is unbelievable to hope when no matter what happened, throughout the investigation and trial that they still haven't shown up. Even when their conclusion was the possibility that they haven't died during that crime scene, they were cynical enough to wonder whether they avoided death from breaking the Monopad's rules.

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