Lets Stay In The Shadows

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Monokuma: I can't allow that! You can't all be graduates!

Shuichi: You said it yourself Monokuma. The blackened this time would be the ones who pulled the trigger to their deaths. That could be any or all of us. That means we can all graduate out of here to the outside world, alive.

Monokuma: It could still be any of you. Or one of you. Not all of you!

Gonta: But how... how can Monokuma be sure? How can we be sure which laser was one to hit the ceiling and fell on Iruma-san and Ouma-kun?

Kaito: Actually Monokuma does really sound unsure about that. Do you... really not know who the killer is? If that was such a case...

Shuichi: ... then the trial may be invalid. This trial is held to find the killer so we can all survive but if even Monokuma doesn't know, then what is the use of-

Monokuma: Are you questioning my omnipotence? Of course I know who the killer is! You just have to work for it like you always do. The trial has yet to end. Heck, you haven't even used up all your truth bullets!

Tsumugi: [muttering] Even superglue and titanium can't save the fourth wall now...

Kiibo: But what if it is all of us? If we are all killers, what does this trial even mean? According to the rules, if we vote correctly, the killer would be executed and the killing game continues. If we vote incorrectly, then only the killer goes free and graduates while we are all executed. But if all of us are killers... then as Saihara-kun said, maybe it is more likely we are all graduates. After all, the killing game cannot continue if you execute all of us and even if we vote for any one of us, it would technically be incorrect because all of us did it and not one, which means all of us would still graduate alive...

Monokuma: Wait just a minute! That will not happen because not everyone is the killer! Just find out who is the one who pulled the trigger that done it!

Shuichi: But all of us pulled the trigger.

Monokuma: You know what I mean! Which laser actually ended the victim's sorry lives.

Himiko: Nyeh, even with all of my spells, I cannot come to an answer.

Kiibo: Only Iruma-san and Ouma-kun even have the chance to see which laser could end their life and they are-

Maki: It's not even possible in the first place. Saihara, I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing.

Kaito: Why is that, Harumaki?

Maki: Even an idiot should figure it out, but we all activated the lasers at different times. So, it's impossible that we could have fired them all at once and dealt the final blow together.

Tsumugi: That... that's right. But does that mean we are back in square one? Which one of us could have pulled the final trigger?

Shuichi: Wait, Harukawa-san, Shirogane-san. I wouldn't suggest the possibility if I didn't think it was completely possible.

Maki: Oh, then why is it possible?

Shuichi: (The reason it is possible for all of the lasers to hit at once as the final trigger despite being activated at different times...)

1. The bangles were set to wait for other lasers to activate before firing at the same time.
2. It was not lasers. They all caused a fire.
3. The lasers were set in rapid-fire mode.
4. Kiibo was the one to trigger all the lasers.

Shuichi: When Kiibo-kun checked out the lasers, he found them set to rapid-fire mode for a full 5 minutes. Even if we activated them at different times, it is not impossible for the lasers, during that duration of five minutes, to fire at the same time. Even in the most unlikeliest coincidences.

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