The Masks Are On

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A/N: Finally, the class trial. Let it be known that while I am compiling a truth bullet list for your perusal, it might not be factually accurate since this list comes from Shuichi's tablet personally so expect unreliable narrator. But it is enough for readers to use it to follow through this trial since Ultimate Detective ain't giving up his protagonist powers for anyone. I also changed up the format of this story into dialogue format specially for the class trial to authenticate the experience. I'm also using wiki and maybe YouTube vids as references to make sure to make it a memorable class trial now although I unfortunately cannot guarantee that I will add every minigame under the sun in this upcoming trial. Don't fail me now wiki and YouTube... and maybe a fair few fanfics to just get an idea how they did it and see what I can do as well. At first, I wanted to post this weekly after finishing all these in one go but unfortunately I'm not that type of author so still inconsistent updates with the hope that this will be published faster because of the format and also all the suspense I'm putting into this that makes it really fun to write and discover~ It's just more fun for me to publish immediately after I finish, alright?

Court Preparation: Chapter 4 "The Masks Of Tragedy and Comedy"

With so much mysteries piling one after another and many plans about to come to fruition, they all crashed and burned for a crime with an unknown victim and murderer, or are they the one and the same? Can the students survive through this unpredictable trial?

Truth Bullet

|Monokuma File 4>
The victim's body was discovered in the Ultimate Inventor's Lab. The victim was crushed by the Lab's rubble save for one lone hand, unable to be moved or pushed away from the body. For this reason, their remains cannot be identified.

Nine lasers had been set up on the ceiling of the Ultimate Inventor's Lab, hidden by all over a tarp that blended the ceiling until the very last minute. The laser was set for rapid-fire the moment it was activated until it either ran out of energy or was stopped by the bangles themselves.

Further analysis from the Ultimate Assassin proved that the remains were unidentifiable from the charred hand. Unfortunately, method of death remains unknown although it can be narrowed down from being shot or crushed to death.

|Hole On The Wall>
Part of the wall had been blasted open by more controlled shots of lasers to form an opening, presumed for one or both of them to escape while the Lab came crashing down around them. That was further proven when remains of a weapon were found once the rubble gave way to show the hole. It is unknown whether anyone managed to escape through it before the rubble closed around the wall.

Near the hole on the wall and an opened window, an Exisal was found a little ways outside the Ultimate Inventor's Lab. Remained unresponsive despite Monokubs' interference. Also unable to open the hatch, unknowing whether anyone is inside there or not. Was not seen there a few hours ago, meaning it had been moved there recently.

|Maki's Account: Kokichi's Scheme>
Maki and Shuichi had both known that Kokichi had been up to something when he approached both of them alone, to bait them about what he called a tragicomedy. While Shuichi was goaded about the premediated crime Kokichi had planned, Maki had been tasked with speeding up the preparation on Kaito's plan and destroying Kiibo's ahoge that had been the source of last night's events.

|Maki's Account: Maki and Shuichi's Actions>
Both detective and assassin could not take that lying down so the latter had swiped the ahoge instead of destroying it. Using Miu's 'Kiibs' Analyzer', they had discovered about Kiibo's protocol, controlled by the cult who treated the killing game as a show according to the forum they found. They had found out about a past killing game where an impossible trial had been planned and from Kokichi's hints were worried he would do the same while being in cahoots with Miu and Gonta but were unfortunately too late to truly stop it by the time they discovered it.

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