Into A New Game

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Did... did it work? Had... had they made it out?

The last thing Miu remembered was the light that engulfed all of them as they willingly flew out of the Academy, happening as soon and quickly as possible before those outside could even figure what was going on.

They had done everything they could, informed  them as well as they can for the others to even trust the information. To believe, to hope, to prove. A lot of positive connotations that never really meant a damn after all the shit they have gone through, but deep down, they had still clung to such positivity. It was why Tsumugi had chosen to take a chance with this escape. It was why the others resisted little in the end to follow their lead once all the cards were laid on the table.

In the end, their memories and experience combined made them of one mind despite the personalities and deeds that would have deviated this singularity.

Everyone didn't want to lose to Mobokuma out of spite.

Thus, everyone chose to believe in a gamble.

All that's left was to die or to live, depending on how much they got right, how much were lies and how much Danganronpa would choose to screw them over. The last was the greatest worry they had of all, but they could only hope to appeal the seriousness of their idea to Danganronpa for them to believe in this little game of theirs and not screw them over. Fortunately, it was not the blackness of nothing and nothingness itself but low level light trying to stream through close eyelids and a tingling and numbing sensation that greeted her.

'It's true. Everything is true! The gamble had won!' Miu thought, gleefully.

Only at this stage, though.

Wasting no time, Miu immediately opened her eyes and blinded by the lights and sights that simultaneously entered her eyes. Fortunately, they only took a moment to register before her eyes completely adjusted and right in front of her was a glass panel encasing her.

Beyond her were a small dim room, people discussing heatedly over something and... monitors.


Without any hesitation whatsoever, Miu opened the glass panel, glad that it easily did with a hissing sound. And of course, it was not only hers...

Once she jumped out, two other people appeared immediately in her periphery, out of what she was aware now were pods. Of course, they were her two, longtime now, partners, Kokichi and Gonta.

Their actions were quick and decisive as the rest woke up, some more disorientated than others. Gonta barreled towards the surprised people who were facing them the moment the pods hissed.

"Gonta, get a weapon. Any weapon! Think you can pull off any of those pipes?" Kokichi ordered.

Gonta looked around himself and Miu noticed as well, that the room is lined with pipes... waiting to be broke off and used as mass weapons of destruction. In Gonta's hands anyway, despite the super strength exuding in VR being supposedly fake within this reality but this was also Gonta they were talking about.

Gonta nodded and rushed towards the pipes, far away from the crowd of people who are still trying to get their bearings from Gonta's sudden attack. And yet they had little to no time to recover.

"Good, and keep away from them. That goes for you too Iruma-chan!" Kokichi said, satisfied as he lobbed... whatever he just had. Where did he even get such an item and what is it?

While the first question would remain unanswered, the second was easy to see while Miu followed Kokichi's instructions and face them a wide berth. Gas emitted out once the thing hit the ground and Miu could detect the faintest hint of... stink in them.

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