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"Please... please don't touch there," Kiibo said, as Miu was putting her wrench down to a more... private part.

"Don't worry, Kiibs. You would be alright," Miu cooed, setting herself to work.

After finishing the light breakfast that Kiibo brought, Miu immediately went to work on Kiibo's maintenance, one of her only enjoyments in the killing game.

Miu was quite interested in Kiibo, also glad that he's one of the people who always stuck by her despite her brash mouth and always appreciated her genius.

And Kiibo was a robot, something that intrigued the inventor into looking more. Kiibo could really be one of her only friends in this damn hellhole.

And doing the maintenance on Kiibo also set most of her worries back to her mind.

But when she finished, they came back full force.

Her deed almost done. The aftermath. The questioning. The shock.

'You lying little abortion,' Miu thought bitterly.

Kokichi... she always had mixed feelings with that little shit. He wasn't exactly a friend, with their bickering and so... but they always had... something.

Maybe that something was the reason she felt guilty when she planned to kill Kokichi.

Maybe that something was the reason she felt betrayed when Kokichi also decided to off her as well.

Maybe that something was the reason she wanted to know more about Kokichi, know past his lies and masks, get to know him better when Gonta asked her help for that interrogation.

Maybe that something is the reason when she read Kokichi's thought, she felt very frustrated, confused and angry at him for being so... so... so stupid.

She still remembered that she slapped him in anger when she knew what suicidal plan he thought up. She remembered always thinking that Kokichi Ouma was nothing more than a lying asshole who loved the killing game as he always sowed confusion and chaos.

But the mind reader... showed something very confusing that might possibly contradict the fact that Kokichi was the complete asshole he makes out to be. If you interpret 'as everyone else escapes...'

That maybe he cared and he wanted to...

It could be wrong, but there were a few proofs to back it up.

Such as the inventions she had to make for Kokichi. Miu knew that he wanted to use this to escape the killing game even when he claimed his love for it, for the reason she thought as not wanting to die in this hellhole, same as Miu. But there was more toward it...

Like... maybe the Electrohammers, Electrobombs and the override remote would be good against Monokuma, but the Bugvac? Which was used to scramble surveillance? For exactly what reason...

Except for his own damn plan.

And when he said he had no idea what they were talking about, it was a lie.

Meaning he had been planning such a thing all the time...

That he wanted to kill himself to win a game. The fool... but then seeing the end of the world and then Miu gunning after him... made him quit and hastily decided to bring the others down with him even if he had an inkling it could be fake, because he couldn't take it anymore...

In other words, the shota snapped. He's out of his fucking mind, and even thought it was OK to kill this gorgeous girl genius for something so insane, even when she was the one who initiated it first...

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