A New Side to Jack - Soulless Jack Kline - Request

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"Wow, what happened to you?"

You looked up to your eldest brother from your bowl of ever-soggy cereal, eyes dark from tiredness and head sore.

"Jack happened."

"Say no more," he said, holding his hands up.

You watched Dean move to the fridge, though your mind was elsewhere entirely.

Namely, you were focused on this new Jack that you were competing with.

His mind seemed to be rapidly maturing and the soullessness wasn't helping in the matter, in no time at all he'd gone from your sweet, innocent Jack-baby to a roughhouser who would eagerly pin you against the wall if it meant subduing you.

Hence how you had found yourself with a headache from lack of sleep and a too hard collision with the wall he had pushed and then lifted you against.

You weren't quite sure how to take this new Jack.

The one you had fallen for was so sweet and caring, now he was callous and rough purely for the sake of being rough, his usual timid nature ripped away by his lack of soul.

You wouldn't dare admit it out loud to anyone but it was kind of exciting.

You'd caught how his eyes would roam over you and he'd give you a little smirk, even if your brothers were in the room.

A few times he had walked by and given you a hard smack on the ass, only chuckling at your yelp of pain as you jumped up and cradled the spot that was sure to be glowing red.

Everyone was aware of the situation and had a vague idea of how to deal with it, the experience of Sam's soullessness being an aid to dealing with Jack's, only you hoped that he was going out to find multiple partners to 'feel something' like your brother had.

Those were two thoughts you didn't want to entertain for two completely different reasons.

There was a new anxious excitement in the bunker now, you didn't know where or when he'd find you and what mood he'd be in.

Well, the one of two that he displayed.

Cold nothingness or rough friskiness.

The back of your thighs ached from where he had been holding you up and you knew that Dean must have noticed the marks around your neck, even if he didn't make a comment on it for the sake of both your sanities.

You were just glad that you could keep him occupied while your brothers and friends looked for ways to fix all the wrongs that were occurring, though none of you had strong hope that a solution would be found soon.

Everything was just piling on top of one another and you were all so tired, so ready to call it a day if there weren't lives to be saved.

At least this new Jack was some strange thrill in the crap that had piled up.

In truth, you weren't in a rush to retrieve his soul and relished the time you had with this new Jack.

You had first realised something was different during a long night of researching.

No results came up, but you certainly had a good bit of aching from the friction of the edge of the table digging repeatedly into the top of your legs, not to mention the light bruising on the back of your neck where he had held you down to take control.

You tried to hide your wincing from your brothers, but part of you was sure that they had picked up on your cautious movements the day after. If they asked, you already had a story of slouching aches ready to feed them.

While they knew of Jack's predicament, you weren't sure if they knew about his new temperament when it came towards you and you planned to keep it that way.

They didn't need insider knowledge of what their sister was up to with her boyfriend.

You came back to the present and looked back towards Dean as he moved around the kitchen, shoving some bread into the toaster and couldn't help but smile at your little secret.

"Trust me," you mumbled, stirring the congealed bits in your bowl, "I wasn't planning to."

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