Invasive Digging - Belphegor/Jack Kline - Request by Jackbunnybaby89

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"Are you okay with this?"

Dean looked to Castiel, whose face was stern and disapproving as he nudged his head towards the other two across the room, one a young hunter and the other a nephilim turned vessel to a demon who was merrily flirting.

Dean regarded them for a moment and then shrugged, turning back to what he had been looking over before the interruption.

"Honestly? I don't care right now, I have bigger issues at play."

"I don't like it," Castiel said, watching as Belphegor gave her a charming smile and brushed some hair from her shoulder.

"She's an adult, what she does is up to her, as long as it's keeping them out of trouble then let them at it."

"I've never seen you this lenient about your sister, especially with a demon."

"Yeah well, literal God threatening everything you know and love kind of puts things into perspective, who cares who gets with who if the world is going to end?"

"I just think tha-"

"She's an adult, Cas," Dean snapped, stopping himself from slamming the sides of his hands against the table in frustration, all his fingers open and stretched out, "she can make her own decisions."

Castiel looked at Dean with a feeling of both annoyance and pity, wanting to reason with him but knowing that he was too caught up with other matters to be pulled into something trivial in comparison.

So, he left it be and decided that he would keep an eye on the two, making sure that Belphegor didn't try anything funny.

Which he was already working towards.

"So, you and this vessel of mine, huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," you replied nonchalantly.

"I think you do, you're pretty fond of this guy, got real close sometimes."

You shook your head and continued to try and ignore him, though you could feel your face heating up as he continued to eye you through those horrific sunglasses.

"He really liked you, you know," Belphegor continued uncaringly, probably liking the sound of his own voice like most demons were prone to.

"Yes, I am very aware."

"Like maybe even marriage material kind of like."

You laughed and shook your head, finally looking up to meet the dark lenses of the glasses.

"Okay, now you're getting way too ahead of yourself."

"Am I though?" He asked, leaning down to rest his chin on a propped-up hand. "Because you two were just so disgustingly adorable from what I'm getting from up here."

Belphegor reached up and tapped the side of Jack's head with the knuckles of the other hand.

"That doesn't mean marriage, it's called a honeymoon phase."

"Ah, now she opens up about it," he grinned.

"I don't need to open up if you already know everything, things even my brothers don't know."

"I could tell them-"


The yell came out a little too loud, making everyone in the room turn towards you as Belphegor gave a coy little smirk.

The change in volume definitely caught Castiel's attention, who had made his way over in the blink of an eye to pull Belphegor away with a firm grip on his arm.

"Hey!" He yelled in protest. "What are yo-"

"You're staying with me," Castiel replied roughly, sharing a glance with Dean who gave him an approving nod.

"Wow, you're such a killjoy."

"It's for the best."

The angel continued to escort the demon out of the room, though the door hadn't closed fast enough to hide Belphegor giving you a flirtatious smile and a 'call me' sign, as if anyone still did that.

You and Dean stared towards the door and then shared a look, you laughing as he rolled his eyes, though given the smile that pulled ever so slightly at the corner of his lips, you could tell that he found it amusing if he waded past the older brother protectiveness.

With a soft laugh you looked back at the book you'd been leafing through, definitely looking forward to more conversations with Belphegor despite Castiel's diligence in keeping you apart.

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