Any Friend of Yours is a Lover of Mine - Star-Lord/Peter Quill - GotG - Request

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You managed to stumble out of the sleeping bunk on the Milano and into main control, having to brace yourself on walls as the ship dipped one way and then abruptly another.

By the time you had a clear view out of the windows, the ship had settled back down and the last lot of the asteroids from the field had passed.

You stopped beside an empty chair, hand resting on the rest and eyes trained outside before you looked to your old friend and pseudo father figure, Rocket.

"That was a wild ride for a second."

"Yeah," he agreed with a careless shrug, "but we got through to hit another one another day."

"Yippee for us."

You half turned towards Peter Quill, who just barely looked away in time to avoid you catching him eyeing you up, not that he could hide the unsubtle smile.

"Don't worry," he said, still grinning, "just a little turbulence making us rock, we're all settled."

"Turbulence being huge broken rocks nearly hitting us?" You asked, slipping into the open seat.

"For now, sorry you missed all the action," Peter tilted his head towards you, giving you a little wink as he said; "But we could make it another kind of turbulence if you give me five minutes."

You laughed, leaning over to pat his arm with purposeful patronisation.

"I'd rather be hit by a minor planet."

"I'd rather he was hit by a minor planet," Rocket called over his shoulder.

"Rocket," you laughed, leaning back in your seat, "be nice."

"Not even in your dreams."

He slipped out of his seat and headed past us, shooting Peter a look of distrust.

"I'll be back shortly, don't try any funny business, you hear?"

"Cross my heart," Peter replied, giving you a cheeky wink when Rocket turned away.

"Good, keep things running smoothly and maybe I'll give you a treat."

You both twisted in your chair and watched him retreat until he was out of sight, then you lurched forward to press a chaste kiss to Peter's lips.

There was a share looked of pure longing before you both connected again.

It had been like this for a couple of weeks now.

Shared kisses when everyone else was busy, mutual looks while no one was looking, brief touches of the fingers as you passed one another while going about your business.

It was frustrating and yet ridiculously thrilling.

You'd heard that secret relationships were something, but you didn't expect the excited nervousness that came with experiencing one.

Not that you'd expected it to get as far as a full relationship.

The playful flirting hadn't been anything surprising, it was Peter Quill, Star-Lord himself, of course he was going to make flirty comments and give suggestive looks, that was a part of his boyish charm.

You were happy to play along, able to keep up and give as good as you got.

The others would either laugh at your antics, join in or roll their eyes and continue on with whatever task they had going, except for Rocket.

After practically raising you, he was cautiously watching Peter and you were sure that, on more than a few occasions, he'd offer some mild threats of harm were he to go too far.

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