The Angel, The Hunter and The Demon - Castiel, Dean and Reader - Request

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"Oh, I do love it when you pull that face."

Castiel glared at my cooing, ignoring my hook-fingered prod at his chin.

He hated to love me and hated that Dean did too, but that made our relationship all the more thrilling.

I knew getting in the middle of an angel and a hunter would be a total buzz and so far, it hadn't disappointed.

"Come on, it won't be that bad."

He continued to ignore me, so I huffed and flopped back into the seat I'd picked in Dean's bunker movie room.

"I don't know why you get like this when Dean isn't around, as if I've never had your dick in my mouth."

He didn't respond, again, but his face flushed a deep red.

"Wow, I didn't know that angels knew embarrassment."

I could tell that I was riling him up even if he didn't show it, meaning that it would be a fun night for us all.

Dean stepped inside shortly after, large bowls balancing on his arms and beers in his hands.

"Whoa, the air is thick in here."

"Almost as thick as you," I said with a wink.

"Must he be here?" Castiel asked, looking at Dean with exasperation.

"The idea was or us all to have a date night," Dean replied.

"I prefer our single ones."

Dean rolled his eyes but still smiled, awkwardly setting everything down on a table we'd dragged in, one that I was definitely hoping to use for other business should the night go the way I was imagining.

"Do I need to coax you into kissing and making up?" He asked as he straightened up, stretching his broad shoulders in a way that had me biting my lip.

"Wouldn't need to coax me too much."

"What a surprise, the demon is down for it."

Castiel looked between me and Dean, then let out a long sigh.

"No, you don't need to do that."

"Good, because I'm sick of being in the middle of you two arguing like an old married couple."

I pouted then slipped out of my chair, slowly moving to Castiel, who eyed me with caution.

Slowly, I slinked my arms around his shoulders and stared him in the eyes, giving him the best smile that I could without it coming across as malicious, a difficult task for my kind.

"I'm sorry for teasing you, you know I love you just as much as I love Dean."

"Good," Dean nodded then looked to Cas with an expected eyebrow raise.

Castiel let out a long sigh and then reluctantly met my eye.

"I love you too," he said with a cautious edge, his gravelly voice making my spine shiver.

"Great, you've made up, again," Dean said with an accentuating clap of his hands, "can we finally get this started before it gets too late or Sam busts in with a case?"

I hummed and stepped back towards my chair, giving them both a long once over before slinking back down.

"Well, we could always skip the movie and get straight to the good stuff."

Both of them shook their heads, Castiel in exasperation once again and Dean in amusement.

"You're unbelievable," he said.

"More like insatiable," Castiel added, moving stiffly to the chair on the other side, leaving Dean to sit in the one in the middle.

What a grave mistake that would prove to be.

As Dean sat down with one of the bowls of popcorn and I beer, I leered at him and licked my bottom lip with a low growl.

"Only for you guys."

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