Anger Management - Skeletor

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(Originally written for my best friend, it seems there are very few lengths I will not go to for one of my favourite people.)

Skeletor glared out from his fortress.

Another planned foiled by that over-muscled, blond annoyance of a nemesis.

He clicked his skeletal teeth together as his jaw opened before tensing once again, the soft clack echoing around the near empty room.

He was getting sick and tired of constantly coming up with plans that ultimately failed in the long run, some had been executed flawlessly and yet he still somehow managed to lose in the most ridiculous ways.

Skeletor's patience was being seriously tested, he didn't want to give up and yet could see no sign of victory in his near future.

A repetitive cycle that led to nowhere was beginning to grind on him.

Another sound of clicking enters the fortress, this time from behind him rather than being caused by his constant jaw tensing.

He didn't need to turn around to know it was you, undoubtedly in some barely there to function armour adorned with skulls of silver.

You were always there when he needed a pick me up, somehow you knew when his day was going abysmally and he'd need to let out some tension.

Whether through yelling or other means he'd become acquainted to.

"You're looking tense again."

"Still pointing out the obvious, I see."

The snap in his voice was unintentional but also uncontrollable, he was frustrated but you knew it wasn't aimed towards you directly and easily shrugged it off.

By this point him taking out his frustrations on you had become a regular occurrence, every time He-Man defeated the walking, talking kind-of skeleton he'd yell at someone and you were usually around in time to be the victim of his diverted rage.

In the oddest way, you found it kind of hot.

His short temper during these times really got to you, excitement making your heart thump erratically in your chest.

Today you were going to use his temper to your advantage, you were finally going to get what you wanted from the man you'd been pining over for so long now.

You had figured that working for him would be enough to get him to notice you, and you were sure you had caught him casually eyeing you up at times, if you can call it that when he didn't technically have any eyes that you could noticed, then again a lot of his anatomy was questionable at best.

You tried not to think about it in anyway other than alluring, but sometimes your mind would wander.

"Come on," you smiled, placing a hand on his muscled arm. "I know the perfect remedy for your blues."

"I'm not blue, I'm angry!"

You only smirked and let out a low chuckle, "Even better."

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