Home Delivery - Spencer Reid

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He was nervous.

Which wasn't entirely new for Dr. Spencer Reid, who could come across with a mousy disposition at times, but even he felt that this time it was at a new level.

He was used to waiting for the man to arrive at his door, though typically it would be with a bag of food that he'd ordered after being too lazy to cook once he'd arrived home from a case.

This time, however, he would be the one supplying the dinner.

Spencer couldn't entire decipher where his confidence had appeared that night, he'd blame the light amount of alcohol he'd had while out with the team at their usual bar, that must have been what had given him the boost of confidence to approach the man.

It was foreign to him.

Though he'd known about his sexuality for a while, actually taking action with a man was unusual for him.

More unusual than trying to get a woman's attention, in fact, and that was rare enough.

Luckily for him it was a face that he was already friendly with, which made the exchange a little bit easier, though subtly approaching the subject of why he was out alone and not with the boyfriend he'd known about was a little bit trickier.

He didn't want to make it too obvious that this was a leading question full of silent hope. It had to appear as a casual enquiry of genuine curiosity.

This ended up leading to a long conversation about how they'd been rocky for a while and had ended up breaking up that Wednesday, thus leading to the cute delivery boy wallowing in his sorrow alone for the first weekend in two years where he found himself drinking over priced alcohol in an environment he hated.

Spencer wasn't sure where the bout of confidence had come from, he hadn't had enough alcohol to affect his cognitive thinking and he definitely didn't have the self-esteem to make the move he did.

"Perhaps you'd like to come over for dinner?"

"Huh?" The other man asked dumbly, his mouth hanging open a little.

"Um, sorry, was that too forward? I've never really done this before."

"No," he laughed, waving his hand, "I'm just a little surprised and not entirely convinced I heard you right with the drink pumping through me."

"Are you drunk?"

The delivery guy looked at his cup, tilting it around so the fruity cocktail inside swirled.

"On this stuff? Nah, just a little buzzed."

He sipped the drink, licking his lips as he lowered the glass before finally giving Spencer a charming smile while fishing his phone from his pocket.

"I'd love to come over, just tell me when."

It was a few weeks later that Spencer finally had the time to send out the invite, criminals didn't take the BAU's personal lives into account when it came to the timing of their crimes.

He'd also made the mistake of giving himself a few days between arranging the time and the actual date, meaning he had too much time between paperwork and office hours to dwell on questions that only time could tell.

Was this simply rebound for the cute delivery boy?

Was Spencer sure he actually liked the man or was this some other misplaced feeling?

Was he a top or a bottom? Perhaps a switch?

He hadn't realised that he'd stopped in the middle of the room as his mind wandered to imagined scenarios, pictures of potential future scenes that could help him decipher just what role he'd play in a physical relationship with another man.

Not to be perverted, purely because he liked to work things out and understand things, self-discovery offered a form of comfort.

The reverie was broken by a knock at the door, a familiar tuned rapping that was almost the man's signature by now, his way of announcing his arrival without being intrusively loud.

Spencer's heart leapt to his throat and his breath got caught behind it while his chest tightened.

It was time for him to learn just a little bit more about himself.

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