Dragged Into It - Part Four

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The show had been fantastic and everyone left the hall buzzing, though the crash came quickly and you all decided to call it a night before meeting in the morning for breakfast and day planning.

You had followed suit, barely managing to get changed and brush your teeth before you slipped into bed and fell into unconsciousness.

No alarm could have woken you up the next morning, even the cooled drool on your pillow as a result of your deep sleep didn't stir you until your body had decided that you'd caught up on enough jetlag to start your day.

At near eleven in the morning.

By the time you dragged your carcass out of bed, got showered and dressed and made it to the main lobby everyone had gone about their day, though not without sending multiple texts of concern.

Except your sister, who had instead sent you an unflattering snap of your sleeping self with the caption: "Sleeping Beauty."

You shuddered and tucked your phone away after replying to all the fretful messages, swearing that you'd find a way to delete that picture from her phone before she'd have a chance to embarrass you further with it.

The lobby was surprisingly empty as you made your way through, though you supposed most people would have followed in your families' footsteps and had already left to pursue whatever activities they had chosen for that day.

All the daily activities were pinned to a board to the left of the long reception desk and you sauntered your way over, wondering if you could figure out who had gone off to do what while figuring out what you could do later in the afternoon.

Standing at the board, you looked over the list with your hands on your hips as you swayed from side to side.

The list was extensive, offering things from water activities to family events and even tours of the surrounding historical city.

Truthfully, everyone was pretty spoilt for choice at this resort.

"I'm thinking of snorkelling."

You jumped and looked over your shoulder, a hand to your chest as you tried to take a deep breath through the adrenaline spike.

There he stood in all his wet swim trunks glory, already looking like he was bronzing from being out in the sun.

"Sorry," he smiled, ignoring the water dripping from his hair as he grinned. "Didn't mean to startle you, late-starter."

You rolled your eyes and smiled, choosing to ignore the nickname.

"It's fine, looks like you had a busy morning already."

"Something like that," he shrugged. "Played volleyball with Jason then went swimming."

"And now you're going back into the water?"

"Yeah, this time to see some sights, wanna join? Or you can go to parent and baby yoga with the sisters."

"Ah, that's where they are, of course," you nodded with a laugh. "I don't know why I would have even thought that they would be doing something separate."

"Right? Your sis is pretty taken with Katie's kid."

"Never thought I'd see the day."

You looked back at the board, noting that one of the earlier starting activities was one of the tours.

"I'm guessing the parents have gone on that," you said, pointing to the listing.

"However did you know?"

"I'm psychic."

He dropped his head back and laughed harder than you would have expected to such a basic sarcastic comment, but you smiled with him and snickered along with his infectious chuckle.

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