Loki and the Spirit Squad - Sir Thomas Sharpe - Request by kissmyscars_

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(Cross upload with  A Whole Bunch of Loki's - Book Two.)

"This is awesome, I can't believe we're doing this!"

Peter shot Ned a look, attempting to smile confidently but only succeeding in looking more nervous.

"Y-Yeah, it'll be great."

Loki shot a side glance at the two and then went back to looking at his nail, scoffing at the chipping already present.

"Cheap polish," he mumbled to himself, running the tip of his index finger over his thumbnail while looking out the car window, his head propped up on his other hand.

"Aren't you excited Mr. Loki?" Peter asked, sounding almost desperate to seek his approval. "A real haunted mansion."

Said God would normally have dashed the other person's eagerness, making some claim about only having to come along because they needed a chaperone and no one else wanted to go, but he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed binging ghost videos on a Migardian video site with the spider boy, so instead Loki chuckled lightly and looked to the young man with his lips pulled into a small smirk.

"Ghosts are something I am well acquainted with."

"Wait, they're real?"

"Of course they are," Ned chimed in, grinning widely, "you've seen the videos and I mean the real videos, not those lame ones I could make when I was seven."

"Do you think we'll see anything?" Peter asked.

"I hope so, otherwise what a waste of a trip."

"I think that's a bit extreme, it's still a trip to England and there's other things to do."

"More ghosts we can visit too," Loki said nonchalantly.

The car came to a stop halfway down a muddy, overgrown drive that was still a good distance away from the dilapidated manor, the path barely visible underneath the weeds and too long grass that had been repeatedly stomped on or driven into mush as more wanna-be ghost hunters approached the chain-link fence that was the apparent security for Allerdale Hall.

Ned practically threw the door open and jumped out, fumbling into his pocket for his phone as Peter climbed out behind him.

Loki let out a long sigh and opened his own door, slinking out of the car and adjusting his long, green coat with an elegance only royalty could hold.

He watched the teenagers gather around the phone for a second and then stepped up to the driver's window, leaning down to meet the man's sallow face.

"Appreciated," Loki said smoothly, reaching into his pocket for a few notes that he clasped between his index and middle finger to flick out for the driver to take. "Keep the change."

He tapped the top of the car and then walked around to join the other two, his eyes remaining trained on the rundown manor the entire way.

The large building looked ready to collapse if a mouse set a single paw inside, the blackened building seeming to sag with the depressive atmosphere created by the stories that had happened inside those very walls.

There had never been an attempt to rebuild Allerdale Hall, despite its grandness and size, there hadn't even been an attempt to demolish it.

Instead, towns were built miles down the road in any direction and the manor remained in the middle of quiet fields, one direction offering a forest to traipse through for an added horror experience before getting to the manor itself.

"Man, I can't believe we're here at the Crimson Peak," Ned fanboyed, practically bouncing with excitement.

"Too bad MJ couldn't make it," Peter said, "she'd have loved it."

"Yeah, but we'll take some good footage to show her, maybe she'll see something we didn't notice or maybe we'll catch something and can send it to a Youtube channel."

"Don't go into this believing that this will end up in a Nuke's Top 5 video," Loki mumbled, looking at the two from the corner of his eye.

Secretly, he wouldn't have minded if any of their footage did end up in a video, he'd taken quite a liking to that channel in particular during their binging sessions with Peter.

Not bad for something used to simply pass the sleepless nights away before it became a bonding thing, mostly spiralled by Peter's persistence in wanting to keep him company, which involved showing Loki all kinds of 'really cool' videos.

He found it quite amusing considering Peter's natural disposition of looking like the type to be scared of their own shadow.

The light dimmed as the car pulled away and Peter was quick to swing the backpack he'd brought along over his shoulder, resting it against his side so that he could rifle through and find the flashlights he had packed.

Peter handed one to Ned, who was distractedly fiddling with a camera he'd taken from his own bag, then he held one out to Loki, who shook his head in a polite decline.

"Got my light here," he said, wiggling his fingers.

Peter shrugged and slipped the offered light back into his bag before zipping it shut and slinging it onto his shoulders.

"Okay, ready to go inside?" He asked, casting a quick, nervous look towards the manor.

"As I shall ever be," Loki replied, walking over to the thick chain that was holding the segments of the fence together.

The horrific clanking of metal against metal filled the surrounding silence as he moved the chain around to find the lock sealing it in place, Peter stood back and watched as Ned got the camera loaded to the setting he wanted and had it raised in front of him.

"Okay, the Spirit Squad is rolling," he called enthusiastically as he made his way over, Peter briefly turning to glance at him before looking back to Loki.

"Do you have a key?" He asked.

Loki glanced over his shoulder and gave a small hum of a chuckle.

"Sure, something like that," he nodded.

Peter and Ned stepped closer just as Loki found the thick, metal lock.

Loki gave it a quick glance over and then clasped it tightly in his hands, breaking the lock as easily as if it were made of sand.

Letting the loose pieces drop to the floor, Loki flicked his hands out to dispose of any pieces stuck to this palms and then slipped the lock the rest of the way off, throwing it uncaringly to one side to then unwind the chains and open the gate to let them in.

"And entrance is ours," he said with a flourish, holding out one arm to invite the two boys in as he stepped to one side.

"That was cool," Ned gaped, keeping the camera trained on the house as he crossed the threshold.

"Yeah, so cool," Peter agreed quietly, suddenly aware of just how stupid this idea had been.

"Let us make our way to the manor," Loki said, pushing the gate into place and taking the lead, his coat billowing out behind him from the cold breeze he couldn't feel. "And one more thing, we aren't calling ourselves the Spirit Squad."

Giving Ned and the camera a pointed look, Loki then turned tail and lead the way down the mud path.

The path they had to travel down was still a good few minutes' walk before they reached the house, a path trodden by many who, like them, were forbidden from entering the grounds of Allerdale Hall.

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