His Other Angel - Crowley (Good Omens) - Request by Izzy has the big sad

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As much as it begrudged him to admit it...Crowley had to accept the truth.

He was enthralled by the angel.

Both of them, truthfully, but one just a liiiittle bit more than the other.

It was Aziraphale's fault, if he hadn't introduced the two then Crowley could have happily gone on oblivious to these needling feelings that churned uncomfortably when he thought of them.

"Angels," he said wearily, harshly turning the steering wheel to his beloved Bentley and narrowly missing an oncoming red Peugeot.

But where would he be without them?

Especially Aziraphale.

Credit where it was due and all that.

Unfortunately for Aziraphale, Crowley wasn't on his way to grace him with his presence.

He'd been invited elsewhere and his old pal wasn't invited.

A one on one with the other angel, a rare occurrence but not one that he would pass up.

It didn't surprise him when he squealed into the carpark of the address that you had sent him, of course it was going to be the largest garden centre just outside of the city limits.

He should have guessed, you were obsessed with plants and would always scold him for the way he treated the ones he had at home, which he found adorable.

Swaggering his way through the garden centre, he watched as people moved aside and gawped at him as he sauntered past, his natural charm oozing from the ridiculous sway of his hips that was accentuated by the bouncing steps he took.

It didn't take him long to find you, as he'd expected you were stood in the back where the shop turned into a greenhouse, in an outfit that only you could pull off, looking both regal and casual as you inspected a drooping plant.

Crowley had always appreciated your style of 'casual clothing' for blending in with the rest of society, even if your ethereal ways came across as mysteriously imposing to others around you.

Your fingertips were delicately caressing one of the overhanging leaves that reminded him of a brightly coloured pineapple crown.

"How pretty," he said he was stepped up beside you.

You let out a small hum and pulled your hand away from the pink flower.

"It's a bromeliad," you replied, your voice as steady and as calm as it ever was.

You always had this way of sounding as if you were telling a fortune as you spoke, slow, calm and calculated with every word, facial expressions steady for the most part.

"Right," he nodded, shifting on his feet, "and what's wrong with it?"

"It knew you were coming."

It took a beat before one side of your mouth pulled into a smile and you finally let out a small, ever-melodic laugh as Crowley chuckled beside you.

"I have a reputation, I see."

"They talk as people do, you're quite the name in the botanical world."

"Yes, well," he said, leaning down closer to the plant so that he could stage whisper, "they better be saying only nice things."

You laughed again and shook your head.

"Leave them be, Crowley, your presence already has them wilting."

"Ah, that's because they don't belong to me, otherwise they'd be flourishing."

"I am certain that they count their blessings for that one."

Crowley shrugged, keeping up his usual cool-guy image.

"Probably, so tell me...why did you invite me here?"

"For the company," you said softly, pleasant smile still in place. "I want to, as the slang goes these days, 'hang out'."

"With me?" He asked, sounding a little taken aback.

You had both been friends for a long while, just a few decades short of how long Crowley and Aziraphale had been friends, whether they admitted it or not, and in all that time you barely spent any time alone.

The other angel was always present and Crowley had assumed that you hadn't taken the liking to him that he had to you, a thought that made him uncharacteristically sombre.

Not that he would admit it, of course.

"Yes, with you," you replied with a laugh, "you're here after receiving my invitation, aren't you?"

"Well, yes, but I'm used to Aziraphale being here too."

"Which he isn't now, so let us enjoy our time, hm?"

Crowley was elated with the news but hid the bubbling giddiness by instead tilting his head to peer over the rim of his sunglasses with those hypnotising snake-eyes of his.

"And what exactly do you plan for our alone time?" He asked, voice dropping a suggestive octave.

You rolled your eyes and shifted closer so that you could link your arm into the crook of his elbow, taking him by surprise.

Tilting your head to look up at him, you gave a sagely nod before smiling.

"I'm going to teach you the proper care for such beautiful specimens."

Crowley tried to turn his clear look of disappointment into a smile but only managed a not as bad grimace, one that you luckily didn't see as you had already turned your gaze towards the path ahead of you.

It wasn't his idea of a fun afternoon but if it meant an afternoon with you then he supposed that he could put up with it, next time it would be his turn to come up with a plan, so he'd have a chance to pay you back.

For now, he'd simply trail beside you and listen as you talked about your passion.

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