Dealing with Business - Crowley (Supernatural)

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Crowley looked down at the body that was dressed like a one dollar hooker and sprawled out on the floor of his current apartment, one he was almost sad to see go but he knew that was just the human blood in him talking.

The throat was slit open, a large gaping wound still seemed to be leaking warm blood, other stab marks adorned the chest and stomach of the body. Her eyes stared vacantly towards the ceiling and her mouth hung open a little.

Calling it over kill would have been a bit of an understatement.

Crowley didn't look much better than the dead body himself, his hair was dishevelled and his eyes were red and puffy. He still hadn't changed out of the black dressing gown he'd been wearing for at least a week now.

Had the circumstances been different the situation would have looked like something from a crime novel, a displeased and scruffy client killing the hooker he'd hired for some fun after she refused to go through with the service.

The tidiest looking one in the room was a demon who stood on the opposite side of the corpse, a young woman who acted as a secretary of sorts for the King.

A temporary vessel for the demon inside.

Her hair was perfectly combed, the fringe mostly wafting to the right side of her face and glasses framed her eyes. She wore a smart looking suit, something that most of Crowley's associates wore due to his command more than choice, looking more like office workers than demons.

Hers was black and consisted of a skirt that just barely touched her knees, a smart buttoned jacket which was now open showing off her white blouse that was covered in drying blood.

Crowley had to admit the look suited her and gave the demon inside an air of unwarranted authority that appealed to him, he wouldn't say it out loud but he could appreciate it.

"So," he finally rasped, his voice husky from crying earlier over a TV show, another thing he wouldn't say out loud. "Care to explain?"

"Of course, you see..."

Lola stepped into the alley, hugging her luxurious coat tighter around her shoulders as she looked up and down the dark path to make sure the coast was clear.

Another job well done.

This was too easy, Crowley was there for the taking and in no position to even pick up on her double crossing him, so she could remain on the low down for Abaddon and still get wonderful luxury from her new toy.

Life was good.

Her heels clicked on the concrete as she made her way to the end of the alley, preparing to mingle with all the humans and pick some blood out to take home to her pathetic 'master'. It almost made her sick to think she had to follow the commands of someone who was willing himself to get weaker, and she didn't even want to think of the other services she'd had to provide to keep her cover.

Lola reassured herself daily that it was worth it, soon Abaddon would take over and she wouldn't have to lower herself so distastefully. Perhaps she'd even get a promotion, higher her ranks amongst the lowlife demons residing in Hell.

A look of disgust contorted her face as she thought of what she'd seen so far, though the blackmail she'd have against him was perfect for future reference.

"Maybe I should have videoed it," she laughed to herself.

"What you're doing is stupid enough, you really think he'd take it well if you shoved a camera in his face?"

The backstabbing demon jumped at the sudden voice, she'd been too wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice anyone else around. Lola froze on the spot and looked to her left where a shadowed figure was leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

"If it isn't Crowley's little lapdog," she rolled her eyes.

"I think you've taken that title from me," The demon, adorning its new vessel, pushed away from the cold brick wall. "And I'd like it back."

"You're not going to stand there and adamantly deny it?"

"What can I say?" they shrugged, letting a knife slip down from their sleeve. "Even I can admit that my loyalty is a fault at times, especially when it comes to Crowley."

Lola caught a glimpse of a glint coming from the blade of the knife, a knife that was designed to kill the user's own kind, the sharp tool's silver looking brand new and ready to be tainted with its first taste of blood.

"You can't kill me," she almost huffed defiantly. "What would your precious Crowley think?"

"He'd be more than happy to do away with pests like you," they smirked, stepping closer with the knife held tightly in their hand. "Besides, I can't let you continue tainting what's mine."

There was a strange glint in the demon's eyes, a possessiveness that she'd never witnessed in another demon's eyes before. It was enough to make even their kind shudder as the space was closed between them, them silently staring all the way, before raising the knife in a swift motion towards the neck.

"She was double crossing you, giving personal details to Abaddon, I knew you would find out soon enough and rather than risk her giving away all your information I took care of the issue myself."

"Huh," Crowley nodded a little whilst looking down and to the side, a habit of his that they found adorable, especially coming from the King of Hell. He did it every time something either caught him in surprise or he had to think quickly on his feet.

"I thought she was up to something, shame, I almost liked her," finally his eyes met with theirs again. "Good job, though you didn't need to drag it inside to show me like a cat."

Were it still beating, their borrowed heart would have fluttered a little as he said that, a smile crossing their lips at finally receiving some recognition from their beloved boss.

"Thank you, Crowley."

He merely waved his hand in a small dismissive gesture and turned to walk back to his unmade bed.

"You do know that means I'll need someone else to get the blood for me?"

"I would be more than willing to do that," They nodded eagerly, admittedly their mind went straight to the added extras Lola received that maybe they could now gain.

Crowley sat down on the bed and gave them a quick once over, his eyes scanning up and down the borrowed body.

"Alright," he finally muttered. "But first you're dealing with that body."

"Of course," they grinned, leaning down to grab hold of Lola's arms.

"And get changed out of that, I feel like I'm in a bloody business meeting."

They glanced over and nodded eagerly, but his eyes had already been drawn to the television once again.

A smirk of triumph was painted on their lips as they went about their business.

Finally they'd succeeded in getting his attention all to themselves.

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