Beneath the Mask - Peter Parker/Spiderman - Request

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With legs swinging over the edge of the roof, you stared out across the city as you tried to settle your mind.

It was one of your favourite places to hang out, especially at night when the lights had switched on and the city started to settle into a relative calm.

Though it was also when the worst of the worst tended to come out and wreak havoc upon the innocent, there seemed to be a new face around every other week and you had no idea where they all crawled out of.

You felt safe on your little perch, high above the streets.

A true feeling of freedom washed over you every time you made your way onto the roof and on nights like this, you needed to feel separate from the rest of the world.

Tonight, you needed to finalise your thoughts and feelings on your best friend, the one and only Peter Parker.

The bane of your existence and highlight of your life.

He was so smart and so frustrating and so handsome and you had definitely developed a crush on him, a line you had never wanted to cross.

Life was hard enough as it was, you didn't need to add an unrequited romance into the stress of it.

Peter had only left about fifteen minutes ago, needing to get home after a long studying session and yet you were already missing him, that's how bad your crush had gotten.

Not that it mattered, he had eyes for Gwen and that was the end of it, this was a secret you would take to your grave.

Or into a busy adult life where it would soon be forgotten, along with the fact that you had ever had fun.

"Ugh," you groaned, dropping your head back and closing your eyes as you leaned back on your hands, a loose stone digging into your palm, "life suuuuucks."

"That bad?"

You jumped, letting out an undignified squeal as you did.

Luckily, you weren't close enough to the edge to accidentally fall, the back of your thighs were still firmly grounded against the brickwork of the rooftop.

With it being one of your favourite pass-times, you were always cautious in sitting on the roof of your apartment complex..

Carefully twisting around, you looked to see who was disturbing your wallowing time and found yourself pleasantly surprised...and utterly befuddled.

"Spiderman?" You asked with a soft chuckle, raising your eyebrow.

"The one and only," he replied with a voice full of mirth.

The suited superhero was merrily leaning against the wall of the stairwell doorway, one ankles crossed over the other and arms folded.

"Hope you don't mind me interrupting," he continued, pushing away from the wall and striding over in a few steps. "It's a quiet night, thought I could use some company and it looked like you could too as I was swinging by."

"I didn't even see you."

"I can be stealthy like that."

You laughed, nodding slowly as you looked back out over the horizon.

"Guess spiders have to be, hm?"

"Guess so."

He came to perch beside you, crouching in a way that made your thighs scream from purely looking at it.

"So, want to tell me what's on your mind?" He asked, his voice softer than you imagined it would be.

Comforting, friendly and familiar.

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