Chapter 4: You Grew Up Too Fast, Ryujin

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Yuna's POV

You know how they say that being a mother to a teenage daughter and being married is beyond difficult? Call me strange but for me it's easy.

I have a lovely healthy daughter who is beyond important to me, and a beautiful and caring wife whom I would do anything for because I know she would do anything for me. Ever since Ryujin was a child she's always been different, which I loved about her.

I never wanted an average child; I wanted my child to think outside of the box and to not be afraid to take risks. That's how Hyejeong and I raised her and that's how she turned out. She hardly gets in trouble, has great friends, and she's not the type to sleep around with everyone.

I remember when she started realizing that she wasn't like her friends and the other kids in school. She had two females as parents, whereas most children have a mom and dad and look like their parents.

I remember when she was just 5 she asked, "Mommy, how come I don't look like you and Mom?" It was so cute how she asked me.

She was playing with her toys and looked up at me with her bright blue grey eyes with her once strawberry blonde hair all over her head.

I laughed a little and answered: "Because sweetie that's how things were meant to be. Now it wouldn't be right if we all looked the same now would it? Every family is different, and our differences make us extra special."

She giggled a little bit, went back to playing with her toys then look back up at me and asked: "How come I have two mommies?" I picked her up held her extra close to me and said: "Because you were blessed by an angel, and your angel knew that me and mom would love you, and treat you extra special forever."

I tickled her all over and she giggled and said:" I love you mommy."

I swear that was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. Of course, when she grew up she began to find out more and more but still she never seemed negatively affected by it. Of course, there were bullies, but she always had the best of friends to be there for her.

"Do you think she's having sex?" Hyejeong says as she comes in, takes off her shirt revealing a wife beater that shows off her perfectly sculpted arms.

"Don't start Hyejeong, so what if she's having sex? She's smart enough to know that she needs to use protection and she's not stupid." I laid back down on the bed and watched as she pumped one of my handmade lotions from a bottle and smooth it over her arms.

One of the things I loved the most about Hyejeong is that she may be more masculine than most females, but she loved to take care of herself and pamper herself in the most feminine ways.

"Yeah, but what if some dickhead is ploughing her poor little body? Or what if some girl is ploughing her poor little body?" I could hear the worry in Hyejeong's voice as she climbed into the bed and laid down on her stomach.

"You were ploughing my little body when I was 16 and you were 20 so don't even start with that." I laughed as I climbed onto her back and started massaging her shoulders.

"Yeah, but I was mature!" Hyejeong yelled then laughed to herself.

"You had been to jail 3 times before I met you baby, and I was a virgin." I smiled to myself as I stroked her hair.

"I was still mature, and you were mature too. And are you sure you were a virgin because you sure didn't f-" I kissed the back of her neck then crawled off.

"Shhh. Ryujin's not having sex. Trust me, I know my daughter. And you know her too you're just being paranoid." She was being paranoid; I knew everything about my daughter, and I knew she was saving herself for that right person.

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