Chapter 7: Ups and Downs

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Yeji's POV

I hate when people say that CEOS do nothing but play golf in their office. That stereotype may be true for a lot of other companies, but certainly not for mine. The one thing I absolutely despise about being in charge of a company is meetings.

I remember having to go to meetings when I was on the bottom of the business food chain. Everyone sits at that long mahogany table with their papers, and no one speaks except for the boss, and occasionally they'll make a joke, and everyone is forced to laugh at a cheesy joke in fear of losing their job.

Unlike many, I make my meetings pretty simple. I specifically tell people to dress comfortably since people tend to think better when their tie isn't suffocating them and when their skirt isn't strangling their thighs.

You know that whole "The boss only speaks" situation? I killed that; anyone who has a contribution may speak. The last thing I do is that I make sure the meetings aren't held in a lacklustre environment in order to promote imagination.

One time we had a meeting in my pool, and as a result an aquatic toy line was invented. So, you would think that there would never be a dull moment at my meetings right?

Wrong, even in the most eccentric environments the imagination can be so bleak.

It just infuriates me at how twenty of the most innovative people I know can be completely stumped on new ideas. Sandra, a lovely woman who works for me came up with the idea of a vibrator that looks like a chainsaw..

Ok, I'm all for Bondage but I don't think women across the world want to be penetrated with a vibrator that resembles a chainsaw. Now if they do want to be penetrated with a chainsaw they probably have deeply rooted issues.

Demetri, who is yet another exquisite individual who works for me wanted to reinvent the whole flashlight idea. I wanted to smack him when he said this because he knows how livid I was when it was invented, and he knows we can't reinvent it because of Copyright. It wasn't until 10 o'clock that we realized we weren't going to get any useful ideas.

Usually, I can control my anger but not today. All of this stress is really getting to me. I have too much on my plate, and I'm pissed at myself for making my plate so full. I need to become anorexic ASAP (Not literally of course).

When I came home I just poured a glass of white wine and blasted some Classic Rock. I used to listen to metal songs when I needed to blow off steam, but I figured mellow classic rock songs relaxed me.

I'm so stressed out I don't even want to check my email. I know I have about a hundred emails and honestly if I read one more I'm going to explode.

As I lay here on the couch I can hear the silent pitter patters of rain on my roof. It reminds me of something, but right now I can't think of anything. I really need something to rejuvenate me and make me forget about everything that happened today.

I fish in my dress pants pocket and pull out my iPhone. Just as I predicted, I have 100 emails, 20 text messages, and 3 missed calls. My phone had been on silent since the start of the meeting (Which was at 3, I remind you).

I grit my teeth and pick text messages as my poison. One of my best friends in the whole world Jisu and Chaeryeong texted me and said that they were having a party at their house tonight.

They always throw the most extravagant parties and I always end up leaving feeling 100% better or leaving with someone who will make me feel 100% better.

I text back promising them I'll stop by and then smile a little to myself. The media wants to make it seem like after the age of 30 it shrivels up and dries down there.

But, in reality it's exactly the opposite. I'm a single 33 year old woman and my body still functions like I'm a teenager.

I remember when I first started making mad money, I was 25 and I promised myself that I would live my life to its fullest. My friends constantly tell me that a committed relationship is not for me, but the idea of being with someone for the rest of my life doesn't sound too bad.

There's only one problem with that though. I have an undying desire to date women that are way younger than me. Every woman that I have ever dated has been younger than me. Younger women just radiate with happiness, probably because life hasn't screwed them over just yet.

I love taking women and spoiling them rotten. I've been taken advantage of before, and the last relationship really screwed me over. This is probably why I've been single for the last 5 years.

I LOVE being single though, you're so free when you're single. You can spend your time doing absolutely anything you want. Like they always say, time has no meaning when you're free.

Plus, the world is filled with gorgeous women who love to have fun for just one night if you know what I mean. Especially the parties I go to, gorgeous young women are everywhere just waiting for someone to take them home.

I've been called a player numerous amounts of times by my friends. But I am not a player; the women I date only want me for one night. I'm not the type of woman to do the whole leave-before-they-wake-up thing.

I still treat them special when they wake up, but I know when it's time for me to leave. I've never cheated a day in my life, and I don't plan on doing so.

Cheating is something that really makes my skin crawl, when you promise to be committed to someone, you stay committed. Now, if you fall out of love I believe that you should leave.

Never stay in a relationship that doesn't make you happy. People these days are so caught up in the fear of being alone. They stay with someone just to avoid that.

So tonight, I'm going to stroll into Jisu and Chaeryeong's party dressing to impress, I'm going to grab a drink, bob my head to the music, and let the beautiful ladies come to me.

For some reason women just flock to me no matter where I am. I don't see why though, maybe it's my subtle charm.

I finally manage to pull myself up from the couch and make my way upstairs to my closet. It is filled designer clothes, some that I've never even worn before.

I pull out a periwinkle button up, a pair of tight black designer skinny jeans, black shoes with a slight heel, and a sleek silver chain necklace. I mess up my hair giving me a slight edge and outline my eyes eyeliner.

I stand there for a minute just staring at myself in the mirror. I really look like a lady killer tonight I think to myself.

I look at my phone and contemplate whether or not I should check my emails. I toss my phone onto the bed, grab my keys, and I'm gone.

Let the games begin.

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