Chapter 9: Ignored E-mail?

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Ryujin's POV

When people say that 17-year olds are naïve they're not lying. Ok, that's an overstatement. Now saying that I'm the most naïve 17-year-old ever is not an overstatement.

I mean did I honestly think that a woman way older than me would want someone like me?

Obviously, she has better things to do, she's rich. Rich people always have something to do. I get crushes like a rock star gets laid.

I can glance at someone and have an immediate crush. I know that's not healthy, but I can't help it.

Maybe it was that email I sent her. That's probably what it was, I mentioned my parents too much.

But I can't help it, family means everything to me. Yeah, that letter totally chased her away. No adult wants the cops after them for talking to a minor. That's taboo to most people. I wonder if Mom found the email and deleted it.

No, mom would make a scene then delete it. Mommy would never go through anything that was personal to me, so I know she didn't delete anything. It's 2am and I'm still thinking about all of this.

I've been thinking about it all day to be honest. Mommy knows there is something wrong with me, but she's not the helicopter type. If there's something on my mind and she can tell she won't pester me unless she knows it's something bad.

Mom was beyond suspicious at dinner. She kept eyeing me till I just got up, washed my dish, and went to my room. They don't seem too worried, which is a good thing.

The last time I checked my email was around 6pm. I wonder if she's emailed me back since then. I mean 8 hours is like 1/3 of a day. Did I just use Math? Speaking of Math, detention really sucked today.

I've never gotten detention before, and after today I know I never want it again. It's boring as fuck and there's nothing to do but stare at the clock and wish that time would go by faster. It never does though, so I'm forced to suffer through that horrid hour and a half.

I have to get this paper signed saying that my parents knew I was in detention. I'll just forge Mom's signature, no big deal every kid has done it at least once.

I should just sneak in there and take Mommy's laptop. Mom hears everything in her sleep though. Mommy on the other hand hears absolutely nothing in her sleep.

With every second I get more and more anxious before I can't take it anymore and find myself sneaking down the hallway. As I approach the door I hear squeaking.

Ugh! Seriously?! I want to slam my head against the wall, but I know that will only make Mom run out of the room butt naked.

So, I swallow to make sure that I don't vomit from the thought of my two moms having sex, and then I sneak back into my room. I hate hearing my parent's when their having sex. Well, every kid does, I mean it's awkward.

I can't help but wonder what sex is like though. I'm a virgin of course; the farthest I've gone was a kiss. I'm afraid to have sex honestly.

The idea of someone else pressing their naked body against mine and seeing me at my most vulnerable state freaks me out. I'm so afraid of it all. I wouldn't feel as nervous if the person I lost my virginity to was experienced.

For some reason I feel that an experienced person would know how to make me feel comfortable. That's probably why I love older people.

It all works out though because older people loving showing younger people new things, in bed anyways.

I know the basics of sex. Like I know what happens, I even know about toys and stuff. My curiosity makes me want to know more though.

But can you blame me? I'm a teenager; teenagers are the horniest creatures on the planet. I want my first time to be special. I know it won't be on a bed covered in rose petals, but I want it to be more special than in the back of a car.

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