Chapter 16: Night Visit

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Yeji's POV

Being a serial business owner is a lot of work. No seriously, it's a lot of work. You have to make sure everything is organized, make sure your employees are happy, your customers are happy, and that you, are happy.

I swear I have so much stress right now it's ridiculous. What I wouldn't do to relieve all this stress I have right now. Currently I am sending mass emails to my workers explaining to them how important it is that we have everything in place for our big launch tomorrow.

We're going to be launching our new line of sex toys and I can't wait.

"Ding Dong!" The doorbell rings.

Fuck, who the hell wants to come and visit me at 10 o'clock at night? I swear if it's Chaeryeong or Jisu I'm going to flip. I send another email before running downstairs and opening my door.

When I open my door, I see Ryujin standing there wearing a tight tank top and tight skinny jeans to match.

Damn she looks sexy.

"S-sorry Yeji, was I interrupting anything?" She questions nervously and I get a big grin.

"No, of course not. Come in, come in," I insist and open the door for her.

I can't help but stare at her perfectly hourglass shaped body as she walks inside.

"I just missed you a lot, and I wanted to thank you for the gorgeous dress you bought me. It must have cost you a fortune," Ryujin giggles then sits on my couch shyly.

"Ah don't mention it. You're going to love Italy," I assure her then take a seat next to her on the couch.

"About that, Yeji I don't know if leaving the country is such a good thing. I mean my parents could find out and then I'd be really screwed," Ryujin confesses and stares down nervously.

"We don't have to go if you don't want Ryujin. We could do something else. Anything you want," I explained.

I really wanted to take her to Italy, but I can understand how nerve wrecking it is to be leaving the country with a 33 year old woman when you're only 17.

"Can we please do something else? If you can't get a refund for the tickets then we don't have to I just-"

"Of course, I can get a refund and don't mention it. We can do something else for your prom night if you want," I assured her, and she began to smile.

"Thanks, Yeji, I would love that," She thanked me then laid her head on my shoulder.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" I requested remembering how she wanted to come over earlier.

"Cleaning up a spaghetti mess, arguing, you know the usual," Ryujin laughed and snuggled against me more.

"A spaghetti mess. Let me guess, Hyejeong was pissed about the dress and you guys argued so your punishment was cleaning up after dinner and she purposely made spaghetti so you would have to spend two hours cleaning," I stated.

I knew Hyejeong very well, so I knew I was right.

"Damn, you do know my Mom well," Ryujin pointed out with a surprised look on her face.

"We go way back, even back when she used to be all chill and calm," I explained, and she began to laugh.

"Chill? Calm? Yeah right, Mom has never been chill and calm. Maybe you're mixing her up with Mommy," Ryujin insisted.

"No, I'm talking about Hyejeong for sure. Your mom used to be so chilled out I swear that woman would be taking puffs of Mary Jane when I wasn't looking. Your mommy on the other hand was the biggest worry wart I had ever met. She worried about everything. She even got worried about worrying," I explained and Ryujin laid her head on my lap.

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