Chapter 15: The New Neighbour, The Dress, and The Pasta

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Hyejeong's POV

"Baby wake up! Baby wake up!" Yuna screams and suddenly starts jumping up and down on the bed.

It's a Monday morning. Usually I would be at work, but I decided to take off. Mondays at the gym are always so dreary. People are trying to work off those extra calories they consumed over the weekend and everybody has an attitude.

"Yuna what?" I moan sleepily and pull a pillow over my head.

I know it's 8 o'clock without even having to check the time. I woke up this morning at 5, jogged for about an hour and a half, and then went right back to sleep. The one thing that pisses me off more than anything is being woken up after a long workout.

"The neighbours! The neighbours! They're here!" Yuna squealed then climbed on top of me and tried to remove my soft sound barrier.

"That's wonderful baby, now can I go back to sleep?" I whined as I slipped back underneath the sheets.

I was so tired that she could have told me the neighbour was Girls Generation or 2Ne1 and I wouldn't have cared.

"She's such a cutie! Reminds me of you when you were younger," Yuna chuckled to herself and now I sat straight up in the bed.

"Shall we go introduce ourselves?" I offered.

I was still tired as shit, but I was also curious.

"Yes we shall," Yuna grinned then crawled off the bed.

I smiled as I looked Yuna up and down as she turned to walk out the door. She was wearing my baggy Baltimore Ravens shirt and a short pair of black shorts. Yuna could make anything look sexy.

"If the neighbour looks like a younger version of me don't you think you should put on something a little less sexy? I mean a youngster can't handle all that sexiness," I flirted then rolled off the bed and followed her downstairs.

"You can't even handle all of this sexiness," Yuna turned her head and whipped her thick shiny black locks and gave me a seductive wink.

"I hope this neighbour isn't the party throwing type. The last thing we need in this neighbourhood is a crazy party thrower," I complained then slipped on a pair of my black slippers that were lying on the living room floor.

"Oh hush! If I can recall the last crazy party you threw was when Ryujin went to summer camp last year. You're nearly 43 and you're still throwing crazy parties," Yuna reminded me, and I began to burst into laughter remembering last summer's party.

"Come on!" Yuna exclaimed then strolled out of the door into the morning sun with me following close behind.

"Where is she?" I whispered as I tried to adjust my eyes to the sun.

"There," Yuna whispered as she motioned her head to the side.

Once my eyes finally adjusted I saw a huge U-Haul truck and a girl carrying a box out of it. She was about my height, with honey brown skin, a perfect shape up with intricate designs carved into it, her body was slender but strong, and she wore a tight white tank with fingerless gloves and a pair of baggy black cargo pants.

"She's just your typical young stud. Nothing special really," I pointed out as I watched the young girl stroll back out to the van and pick up another box and carry it in.

"Someone is jelly," Yuna teased and stuck out her tongue at me.

In return I kissed her tongue and wrapped my arms around her tightly. I wasn't jealous, just tired and pissed that I woke up out of my bed for nothing.

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