Chapter 27: Ted Talk

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Yuna's POV

"Ryujin is turning into you," I finally said as I watched Hyejeong's eyes scan the computer screen.

"If you're talking about the incident that happened today then that's a compliment," She smiled at me cockily then went back to the computer screen.

"You know I always wanted Ryujin to use her words before her fists. I understand that she was mad, but she didn't have to go and throw the poor girl into the chalkboard," I pointed out and Hyejeong sighed then closed the laptop.

"She obviously used her words, and they didn't work. She's better than me, if anyone talked about my Mama I would be in jail," Hyejeong snapped as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're not twenty anymore baby. If you go to jail now it won't be as easy. You know what the young do to the old in prison," I teased her, and she began to chuckle.

"I know how to defend myself even if I am getting older, always remember that. Anyway baby, we need to start planning this birthday party. It's like what a week away and we still don't have everything together. It's her 18th birthday we have to do it big," Hyejeong reminded me as I lay across the bed and went into deep thought.

"You know what I got for my 18th birthday? A card, a half-baked cake and a lecture about sex and god," I complained as I thought about all my horrible birthdays.

My mother wasn't into parties much and my mother had never given me a party.

"Do you remember what gift you got that night though?" Hyejeong grinned seductively and I hid my face with my long hair.

"Baby please don't give Ryujin a whole speech when she goes out that night with her friends. The last thing that any 18 year old girl needs on her birthday is a lecture about sex and how hard life is going to be. We both know that she's not going to celebrate her birthday with just some cake and a trip to the movies with her friends. If I even see you pull her aside at the party we're giving you will certainly regret it," I threatened and Hyejeong rolled her eyes.

"Every parent gives the whole you're-an-adult-now lecture. It's one of the last lectures that you can give that will actually register with them," Hyejeong whined.

What she said really hit home for me though. After Ryujin left for college we wouldn't have any more kids to raise. There would only be two people in the house instead of three. There would only be two plates on the table instead of three. I had gotten used to making dinner for three for so long that making dinner for two seemed impossible.

"I want another baby." The words slipped out before I could take it and force it far back into my mind.

It was too late now though, Hyejeong's eyes were as big as dinner plates and I knew exactly what she would say.

"Are you out of your mind Yuna? It's not like we can just lie down on the bed and make another one. You remember how hard it was to adopt Ryujin and Yuna, we're not getting any younger. We got lucky with Ryujin, what if he or she turns out to be a bad seed?" Hyejeong lectured and I began to pout.

"No child is a bad seed Hyejeong. Most children who appear to be 'bad seeds' just aren't given the right love, care, and help they need. We could even adopt like a ten year old to make up for our age. This time I don't want a girl though, I want a boy," I smiled sweetly to myself as I thought of how amazing it would be to have a new member of the family.

"You know how cute little babies are when you go to adopt them! Imagine a little baby boy just waiting for us to take him home and give him all the love and care that he needs. We could name him Ethan, or maybe Chanyeol. We could even name him Minseok! Look at the possibilities Hyejeong!"

"You are insane Yuna, you are completely insane right now," Hyejeong accused as she shook her head and began to pace the room back and forth.

Whenever Hyejeong paced it meant that she was either annoyed or seriously thinking about something.

"We could be foster parents." Hyejeong finally said after pacing back and forth for what it seemed like forever.

"Then we would have to see them come and go all the time. That would be heart-breaking," I sighed then lay on my back to stare at the ceiling.

"We could give them as much love and care until they had to leave. Baby you know you leave such a huge impact on people. Remember when we took your Uncle's wife's son in for like a month? You had that boy in line when he left," Hyejeong chuckled hysterically, and I couldn't help but join in with her.

"He was an Eminem wannabe, and he wasn't going to disrespect me by saying I had a 'Phat ass.' You know I was livid. I had that boy pinned against the wall in a half a second with a cooking pan in my hand about to smack him senseless. By the time he left, he knew how to bake like Betty Crocker, clean better than Mr. Clean, and respect a woman," I reminisced happily.

"I didn't know he said that about your butt, no wonder why he looked the other way every time I came in the room. I wonder what happened to him," Hyejeong wondered as she lay down on the bed next to me.

"He goes to the University of Maryland now and wants to be a psychiatrist. We Skype," I explained and Hyejeong got a confused look on her face.

"You Skype people?" She pried suspiciously.

"Yeah, I Skype all your sexy friends. No Hyejeong, I'm a writer. I Skype for business purposes. When you see me talking to the computer screen and someone's on it do you think I'm watching a video? I keep in touch with my editor and some old friends."

"That wasn't funny Yuna!" Hyejeong complained and I rolled my eyes then crawled on top of her.

"I know exactly where we should have Ryujin's birthday party, and I know exactly what the theme should be," I smiled as the idea began to form in my head.

If this were going to be one of the last times that Ryujin, Hyejeong, and I would be together before Ryujin moved out, I wanted it to be big and I wanted her to remember her 18th birthday forever.

It was all forming in my head and everything was finally coming together.  

A/n: Hey there! Three more updates and we will done with this story!!! I am also sorry for not being able to reply to your comments religiously since I am pretty busy right now since the new semester had started. Anyway, thank you for reading!

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