Chapter 12: Uh-Oh

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Yeji's POV

"What do you mean she'll be here in ten minutes ?!" Ryujin screeched as she flipped out the bed and frantically began pacing.

"I-I didn't know what to say so I just pretended to act like a mom! Oh, and if she asks, you have a friend named Jessica," I explained nervously.

I had just gotten off the phone with Ryujin's mom and just hearing her parent's voice freaked me out.

I felt slightly relieved because I knew something was about to happen, I felt angry because secretly wanted something to happen, and I felt like a nervous wreck because her Mom would be here any second.

"Which mom was it?!" Ryujin demanded as she grabbed her bag and began stuffing her belongings inside of it.

I tried as hard as I could to remember which one of her moms had called, but strangely I was drawing a blank.

"I-I'm not sure, she didn't say," I confessed, and her face turned red with fury.

"Did she have a cute gentle voice or was it really mature and serious?" Ryujin questioned then ran downstairs.

I followed after her immediately.

"Definitely deep and serious," I answered and now her blue grey eyes were wide with fear.

"I am soooo dead! Soooo dead!" Ryujin cried out and again began to pace.

"How about we just say that um Jessica is sick and is upstairs sleeping? That sounds valid," I suggested and watched as Ryujin's irises began to shrink.

"Hmmm that could work, but my mom is so suspicious you don't understand," Ryujin insisted and the sound of a car pulling up came from outside.

I swore my heart dropped.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!" Ryujin screamed while her whole body shook.

Suddenly the doorbell began to ring, and I could have pissed my pants.

"Ok, ok, we got this. Just pretend like everything is fine," I said as I took one last deep breath before opening the door.

"HYEJEONG!" I screamed before my mind even had enough time to process the whole situation.

At my doorstep was Hyejeong, the best personal trainer I had ever had. I remembered way back when she first started out.

I was about 29 and my body needed a serious modification. Everything on me just didn't seem as tight as it used to be, but that all changed when I met her.

"YEJI!" Hyejeong screamed back after she looked at me real closely.

Now a huge grin was on her face and she slapped my hand and pulled me in to one of her a tight hug. As I looked over to the side I noticed Ryujin's eye had dropped, and then it all started coming together.

Hyejeong was Ryujin's mother. Now my jaw was dropped but I had to play it off as best as I could.

"Damn girl I haven't seen you in years!" Hyejeong exclaimed and released me from her choking hug.

"Haha, what are you doing around here? I thought you still lived all the way downtown with Yuna," I asked nervously trying to distract her as much as possible.

The one thing that always amazed me about Hyejeong was how much she paid attention to detail. If I couldn't distract her well enough she damn sure would figure out Ryujin and I had been here all alone.

"Nah, me and my baby moved uptown years ago when we got Ryujin. Haha, but I didn't know you had a daughter now! Damn I can tell she's spoiled by the looks of this house. Luke's all grown up now isn't he?" Hyejeong asked and I felt my heart beat faster.

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