Chapter 21: Who Are Sooyoung and Kyungho?

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Ryujin's POV

"Wait, wait Mommy shimmied out of her window on the third floor just to go to your 21st birthday party?" I quizzed as I continued to fall out in laughter.

Me and Mom had been in the basement together for hours now and after the first hour of tension things just calmed down. Mom had been telling me stories about her teenage years and early 20's and I just couldn't get enough of it.

I know most kids hate when their parents go on and on about the old days, but Mom and Mommy's old days were so cool. I also loved the fact that she wasn't sugar coating anything.

"Hell, yeah she did. While wearing pink stockings with knee high boots, and a long yellow tank top. I also remind you that she had her hair in those big ass curls, and she did everything not to sweat them out. It was hilarious. The funniest thing though is when she finally got in the car Grandma Seo looked out the window. She was going blind at that age too, so she just thought it was some crazy ass kids," Mom laughed hysterically and lay across the couch.

"I just can't imagine Mommy being that rebellious," I admitted.

I always thought Mommy was one of those sweet and giggly school girls when she was young, not a rebellious daredevil badass.

"She always played that sweet girl part, but then she met me, and I saw right through it. When I used to pick her up from school she had the cute little nerdy school girl clothes on, then she'd change in my backseat and turn into the wild child she was. Damn I had so much fun back then," Mom sighed.

I could tell that she loved to reminisce about when she was young.

"Then you adopted me, and it all went down the drain right?" I questioned and my smile dropped a little bit.

"No, we adopted you and got so much closer," Mom assured me and my smile returned.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I inquired nervously.

"Of course, angel," She urged and sat up on the couch to face me.

"Who were my parents?" I requested as my nerves grew more and more.

For a few seconds Mom just stared at me with a blank expression. I hated when Mom's face went blank, it always meant that she was contemplating whether she should tell me something or not to tell me something.

"It's a long story Ryujin," Mom sighed and a frown began to form.

"Mom, we're stuck in a basement. I'm pretty sure we have a lot of time," I reminded her, and she chuckled a bit.

"Sooyoung and Kyungho..." Mom uttered.

I now stared at her with the most perplexed look on my face.

"Who and who?" I asked dumfounded.

"They were friends of your Mommy back in college .." Mom replied as her voice trailed off.

"Mom I deserve to know who they actually were. Please tell me. Please?" I pleaded.

Secretly I had always wondered who my real parents were. I always thought since Mom and Mommy were so great that no one could compare to them. I thought for sure they must have been horrible if I ended up with two amazing women to raise me.

"Fine, but don't tell your Mommy I told you. Kyungho and Sooyoung were so close to your Mommy back in college. When they got out of college they had you and about 2 years after that, a fire happened- " Mom paused and took a deep breath.

I held my breath as I tried to hide my tears.

"You were the only one who survived. Mommy was so close to Sooyoungvthat she wanted to take you in and so did I," Mom confessed.

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