Part 1

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I just wanna say thank you for reading my book, I hope you guys like it! I will do my best to update as many as possible.
Have fun!

⚠️Warning⚠️ torture

You wake up on a cold floor, the tiles are a bit wet and the room is dark, only a bit of light shines through a little window. You try to look around for your wand but it is no where to be found, your clothes are ripped on the bottom. You are wearing your school clothes. The only thing you remember is the great hall, you where eating there with Harry, Hermione and Ron, then everything just went black.

'Ah look who is awake.'

You hear a voice, it is a woman, the voice is very high.

'Who are you?!' You ask with a crack in your voice.

You only see a shallow coming up to you, you hear giggling and slowly move backwards, only you can't go far back because the wall is right behind you. You are terrified.

'Isn't that a little brutal to ask?' The woman says as you hear her come closer.

The woman steps forward into the light of the sun that shines through the little window.

'Bellatrix Lestrange...' you say scared.

'And you must be...y/n y/l/n, right?' She says laughing.

You get tears in your eyes, Bellatrix Lestange had escaped Azkaban a few days ago, she sat there for murder and torture in order of 'he who shall not be named'

'Oh, don't be scared, or maybe you should be, that is the question.' She says

She walks up to you and kneels to your level and grabs your chin with force.

'Now...this is what we are going to do, you are going to answer some very simple questions and I will not hurt you.' She says seriously and looking deep into you eyes

You can't look away and your hands are balled. Your whole body is shaking from fear.

'Or I will, we will see.' She says smirking. She let's go of your chin and stands up.

'Please...' you say shaking and with tears falling down your face, you know she heard you but she doesn't respond.

'Now, where is Harry his godfather, Serius Black?'

'S-Serius Black escape a few weeks ago o-out of as-' you say but she cuts you off.

'yes, I know that, I am not stupid, now anwser the question or else...' she points her wand at you.

You are shaking and your heartbeat starts to get faster, your breathing faster and tears fall down your face.

'I don't know...please, don't hurt me...' you say crying your eyes out.

'Fine, if you want to do it the hard way...we can do it the hard way.' She says angry and a little smirk enters her face.

'Crucio!' She yells

A horrible pain enters your body, it feels like you are stabbed and ripped apart on the inside.

'AAAHHHH!' You scream.

Your body is hurting everywhere and you are shaking and screaming on the ground, your eyes roll to the back off your head.

Your body feels weak and you have the feeling your about to die.

As the spell is done you can't move but surprisingly the pain is gone fast.

Bellatrix comes up to you and kicks your stomach hard, you let out a cry and all the air you had in your lungs is pushed out.

'You don't wanna talk? We have to do it this way.' She says smirking

'Please...I-' you say as this are the only things that could come out of your mouth.


Someone shouts, you can remember the tone of the voice but you can't place it.

'Cissy, what in gods name are you doing here, i was just having fun!' Bellatrix shouts.

You hear a woman running towards you.

'Yes, I can see that, but she doesn't have to end up dead!' The woman says

You can see her now she stands in the light, it is Draco his mother.

'Okey, fine fine, but I will come back tomorrow for another round.' She says irritated.

'Oh please no, why can't she just kill me'

As Bellatrix left the mother of Draco comes up to you and holds you in her arms, her hair is white and black and she had beautiful eyes.

'Are you okey?' She asks worried.

You can't say anything and you feel week.

'Please, take this, you will feel a bit better.'

She gives you a green apple and you take a bite, surprisingly it works a bit.
You still lay on her lap but you try to get up but she pushes you back.

'Why are you helping me?' You say confused.

She sighs

'I am not like my sister miss y/l/n...'

'Please, just call me y/n.' You smile a bit.' And thank you.'

She smiles back

'No problem dear, you need to rest now, I will look what i can do for you tomorrow, okey?'

You nod, she lays you down and grabs a few blankets and some pillows out of a bag.

'Here, this will keep you warm.' She says smiling

'Thank you, miss Malfoy.' You smile as you rest your head on the pillows

'Call me Narcissa.'

You smile, she stands up and she is about to leave as you want to ask her something.

'Narcissa?' You aks

'Yes dear?'

'Why did they take me here, like, why me?' You ask

Narcissa sighs and looks worried

'I will tell you tomorrow, now you need to rest.'

She leaves and you fall asleep right away.

I am sorry it is a bit short but if you have some ideas, comment them here please!

Narcissa x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora