Part 3

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You and Narcissa head it to a little couch on the end off the two person bed.

'So tell me girl, what is been up your mind.' You say without thinking

'Omg did i really say 'girl' oh god i am so stupid.'

She noticed you got a little uncomfortable right when you said that but she gave you a little sad smile, like it was okey.

'Are you sure you wanna hear my whole boring child story?' She laughed softly.

You nodded.

'Yes, I would love to hear your story!' You say, you where really interested.

She sighs

'Well, first thing you need to know is that I not only have one sister...I have two.' She says.' You know Bellatrix is my sister, right?' She asked.

You put your hand on her knee as comfort and you nod.

'Yes, I know that, who doesn't know the Black sisters?' You say with a little smile of confusion.

Narcissa puts her hand on your hand, her hand is warm and soft, her ring is the only thing that is a bit cold touching your body, her touch warms you, it makes you feel loved.

'Now, my parents got three girls, Bellatrix, she is the oldest, then Andromeda, she is the middle, and then I came, the youngest, we where called 'the sisters of the house Black' or 'the Black sisters'.' She says.

'Andromeda is a beautiful name.'

'I married Lucius, so my last name became Malfoy, Bellatrix married Rodolphus Lestrange, so her last name became Lestrange and then my last sister...Andromeda, she married Ted Tonks, so her last name became Tonks...can you still follow me?'

You nod and listen carefully.

'My family was a long bloodline of pure-bloods, it was very important for our family that we married a pure-blood as well, now here is the part where it becomes maybe a bit confusing so listen carefully.' She says looking deep into your eyes, her blue eyes are locked into yours, they sparkel like real diamonds.

'But wait...' you say confused.

'What is it darling?' She asks rubbing your cold hand.

'The Tonks family is not pure-blooded, right?' You ask her.

'Yes, you are right, my sister got banned from our family house hold because of that, I never heard from her again...' she says, you can see a bit of fear in her eyes but also some tears forming.

'Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you.' You say holding her hand between your two hands, playing with her ring.

'No, it is okey, do you want to hear the rest of the story?' She asks with a sad smile.

'Only if you want to.' You say smiling at her.

She nods and smiles back

'So my parents where of course furious and Bellatrix had no one to talk to about her feelings but me, she was also in love with a muggle-born, I don't really know who that was but that doesn't matter right now. She turned to the dark side along with my parents who where forced to help my sister, she got the dark mark and she turned into a complete psychopath...' she says and sighs.

'And that all when you where in the middle of it, you couldn't do anything to stop her...' you say as a tear rolls down your face, it hurts you to know that her childhood and teenage years weren't fun at all.

She wipes away that tear and you wipe away hers as well.

'I couldn't do anything to stop her, I just wanted my family back.' She says

'And this all began when you where?' You asked her.

'I was 17 when Andromeda got banned, the only thing I know is that she got married a few years later and she got a daughter a few years after that, the girl is much more older then Draco, maybe she is 23 right now.' She says thinking.

'Does Draco know about her, the girl, his niece?' You ask

'Yes and no, I told him about it a year ago but Bellatrix hates it when I talk about our family, deep down I know she misses her two, she just won't admit it.' She says now crying and her voice cracks.

You pull her into a tight hug.

'I am so sorry you have had to go through all of this, I only know you for less then a hour but I know you don't deserve this life.' You say while rubbing her back.

'Thank you, for listening to me, I really appreciate that.' She says

Suddenly she stops hugging you and she gently grabs your face, cupping it into her hands. You feel safe. Then she comes closer and puts her lips onto yours, her lips are sooo soft and warm.

You kiss her back.

You two kiss for a long time but without tongue, despite the fact that it was just lips it felt a bit wet, not in a negative way, it felt warm and soft, there was a feeling in your body that you never felt before.

She pulls back and looked embarrassed of herself and what just happend.

'I am sorry y/n omg, how could I do that.' She says stuttering.

'Hey hey, look at me.' You say and she looks you in her eyes.

'It's okey, if I didn't want it I wouldn't have kissed you back.' You say and you want to kiss her back but you can't.

'C-can I kiss you again?' You ask her blushing

But before she could answer you kissed her again, she kissed you back.

This time she opened her mouth a bit, waiting for your reaction and your accepting.
You had never kissed with tongue before but you wanted to try so you opened your mouth a bit. You where a bit scared so you didn't open it very wide.

'You have to open it wider to let me in dear.' She said under her breath with a little smirk and so you did.

You opened your mouth further and she gently explored it with her tongue, you pulled away a bit when she touched your tongue but then putted it back where it was.
Her kissing was amazing and you kissed for maybe a minute before she pulled away.

'Wow' you say still confused what just happend.

A smirk appeared on her face and she asks' Have you ever kissed before?'

You look down and say' N-no I haven't, was I that bad?' You ask blushing

She lifts up your chin and says.' Not at all.'

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