Part 12

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I just found out you guys!
1k on my story omg thank you so much for this!
I can't thank you guys enough.
⚠️Warning⚠️cursing and smut

You woke up on the silk green bedsheets from your bedroom, it is early in the morning and the sun shines through you window onto your head.

'God, I am hungry.'

Memories of what happend yesterday come back and you remember every single detail.

'Accio fries.' You whisper as you make a movement with your wand, for some reason your craving fries. After a minute you hear something, something loud...


'What the-'

You stand up from bad, your legs a bit shaking but you can reach the doorknob.

You open the door and a whole fridge is standing right in frond of you.

'I said fries...not-uhg nevermind.' You sigh and roll your eyes. Before you close the door you see Narcissa walking towards you.

'What in merlin name happend here?' She asks shocked.

'Well, I wanted some fries so I said Accio fries but my wand maybe thought I said fridge.' You say frustrated.

'Oh, uhm...well Goodmorning.' She says with a giggle

'Good...morning.' You say sighing and you want to walk to your bed when you realize...

'God damn it, fucking hell.' You shout and you throw your hands into the air.

'Y/n, language.' Narcissa says strict.

'I am sorry Cissy...' you say and you make a sad put also guilty face.

'Are you going to still going to tell me why you had to curse that bad or what?' She asks and moves the fridge so she can come in.

'I uhm...' you say and you step aside. There is a red dot on the bedsheets.

'Oh y/n, that's not bad, is it your first time?' She asks coming close to you.

'No, no its isn't, I just messed up your bed...' you say looking at the red dot.

'I can clean that dear, you should take a shower, I can clean that up.' She says smiling and rubs your back.

You make a face that says 'ew.'

'What?' She asks not knowing why you made that face.' Oh come on, it is just blood.' She says giggling.

This made you sad and you look at the ground.

'What is wrong?' She asks quickly stopping her laughter.

'You said, it is just are the only one that thinks about it that way.' You say

You are talking about your blood status, your a half-blood and she is an pure-blood. Voldemort normally hates half-bloods or muggle borns, he is just using you.

'Oh no darling, no, even if you where a muggle born I would not care, now go take a shower, I don't want any more sad vibes here okey?' She asks hugging you.

'Okey.' You say smiling and you head it to the bathroom, you grabbed some clothes and turned on the shower.

When you where washing the shampoo out of your hear someone came in, you quickly covered yourself up with your hands, you saw it was Narcissa but you still felt uncomfortable. She looked at you for a second and said.' You don't have to cover yourself up darling, we are the same.' She says laughing, she grabbed something out of a basket, it looked like cleaner.

You laughed with her but you still wasn't comfortable at all. You have always hated your body, in every single way. Narcissa looked at you for a moment and noticed how embarrassed you where.

'There is more to this isn't it?' She asks slowly walking up to you, she only looked at your face, not even one second at your body. She also puts the cleaner down so her hands where free.

'I always hated my body, I got body shamed, by kids from school, sometimes my parents, they said no one would ever love me with such a body...' you say with a crack into your voice.

'Your body, is beautiful-.' She says but you cut her off.

'How do you know, your didn't even see me.' You say looking deep into her eyes, her eyes gave you a soft feeling, you trusted her.

'I don't have to see your body to know that it is beautiful,' she says and takes off her dress and underwear.

'What are you doing?' You asked shocked as she stand before you naked, her body is beautiful, every curve is perfect. You are still covering yourself up.

She walks into the shower without saying a word and locks the door of the bathroom with her wand. She gets behind you and she starts washing your hair, still not saying a word. She is taller then you and she could top her chin on your head if she wanted.

'Narcissa...' you whisper.

'Sssh, just relax darling.' She says whispering back and washes the last soap out of your hear.

You start to let your hands down a bit when Narcissa grabs the shampoo for your body, she does it on her hands and begins by soaping your shoulders, her hands are warm and soft. She then soaps your arms and puts some more on her hands. She soaps your back and you gasp as she reaches your butt cheeks. You relax into her touch, she kneels to do your legs. You look down to see if she is looking at your vagina but she isn't watching that at all, which surprises you.

She grabs the shower head and sprays all the soap of your body.
Suddenly the sprayer is harder and she brings it to your back, it massages great.

She grabs your leg gently and puls it up to her bellybutton. Without saying a word she puts the water onto your vagina.

You moan softly as it hits your clit, it hurts at first but after a while it was replaced with pleasure.

You grip into her shoulders to keep standing and you feel an orgasm coming.

'Cissy, I am a-about to c-cum.' You say moaning.

'Let it all out darling.' She says and so you do, a wave of pleasure goes through your body.

'Good job.' She says softly.

She puts the shower head back but does not let your leg down, she massages your vagina and then you feel her finger inside you.

'Narcissa, I am on my period.' You say heavy breathing as she pumps her finger in and put of you.

'So? Like I said, it is just blood.' She says raising an eyebrow.

She puts a second finger in you and she found your g-spot. You let out a loud and long moan.

She keeps attacking your g-spot and your legs start to shake.

'Keep standing darling, if you fall your pleasure will be ruined.' She whispering in your ear.

You scream one last moan before you cum and you let your self fall onto the ground, you place your back onto the wall, your breathing is heavy and your still shaking.

'I don't know what to say...' you say looking up at her out of breath.

She kneels in frond of you and she lifts up your chin.

'You don't have to say anything dear.' She says smirking.

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