Part 2

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⚠️Warning⚠️ torture

You wake up on the 3 pillows and under the 2 blankets on the cold floor, you see that there are put on some lights so the room is not as dark as it was yesterday. When you throw the blankets off of your body you feel the cold entering your body.

'God it's cold here'

You see a table with candles and some food, you look around but no one is seen.
You wrap a blanket around you and you walk over to the round wooden table. There is some bread, a peace of chocolate, cheese, butter and some fresh water. You put some butter on the peace of bread with a knife that lay with it and put some cheese on. It was delicious. You also see your wand laying on the table.

'What the-'

'I thought you might needed it.' A voice is saying

You take your wand and throw it towards the boy standing by a staircase.

'Draco?' You ask confused

'Hello y/n, missed me?' He says smirking

'What are you doing here, why aren't you at Hogwarts?!' You say still with your wand pointing at him.

'Well you see...everyone was taken home after you disappeared, so yeah, here I am.' He says taking a few steps forward and playing with his wand.

'And why would I need this if I may ask?' You say looking at your wand and back.

Draco looks at you confused.

'Well if you don't want it...' he says

'Yes, yes of course I want it, I may need it later to defend myself from your aunt.' You say rolling your eyes.

'Oh yes, speaking of her, I had to bring you upstairs in a few minutes...' he says like it is an every day thing.

'What for?' You say confused

'Oh uhm...' he says looking at the ground

You take this opportunity to run to him and you shout:' Expelliarmus!'
Draco his wand flew out of his hand and you put your wand to his neck.

'You are going to help me escape Draco, whether you like it or not.' You say angry

Draco looks kinda scared but then a little smirk appears on his face.

'Oh y/n...' he says while clicking with his tongue.
He starts to laugh.

'What is so funny?' You say a bit scared.

'You aren't the smartest one in your family aren't ya?' He says laughing.

'What are you talking about?!' You ask and slowly take a step back, you don't trust him.

He takes something out off his pocket and before you know it he is holding a wand to your neck and he has your wand in his other hand.

'You are going no where, the only thing where you are going right now is with you understand?' He says strict.

'Draco...' you say in the hope he will leave you alone.

'I said, do you understand?!' He shouts pounding the wand into your skin.

'Y-yes' you say with a lot of effort.

'Good, now behave, and make no noice, only when your asked something.'

He puts your wand into his pocket and grabs his own from the ground still pointing the wand in his hand at you. He grabs your shoulder roughly and takes you to the staircase. He opens a gate and closes it behind you. When you walk up you hear some talking of maybe 15 people.

'Oh god, this doesn't sound good'

As you walk on the last staircase you see a large table with on every chair a person in black clothes, you know who they are, they work for the dark lord.

'Ah, finally we meet miss y/l/n, come sit down with us.' You look at a man with white skin and no nose, he wears some kind of dress you can't describe.

You think for a moment but then does as he says, Draco leads you to your chair and when you sit down he sits on a chair himself. All eyes are at you.

'So...tell me miss y/l/n, do you wanna live?' He asks politely but also in a scary way.

'What is that for question, of course I want to live.'

You look around and see Bellatrix and Narcissa right in frond off you, Bellatrix has her usual smirk on her face but Narcissa looks scared, she looks even more scared then I am right now, and that is saying something.

'Don't be shy, just answer my question.' The man says

'Y-yes.' You say looking at him and than at your hands.

'Good, then you need to join us.' He says while looking deep into your eyes

'Wait what?' You say shocked

'Yes, well actually, you don't have a choice.' He says smirking and the two men next to you grab your arms

'Hey, no, what the hell?!' You shout and tears form into your eyes.

They drag you to the big chair with the white man in it and he takes out his wand

'Now, be a good girl and don't move, or scream.' He says smirking and he puls up your sleeve.

'No please...' you shout while fighting against the two men but they are to strong.

He lays his wand on your wrist and a pain streams through your arm, it feels like it is cut into a million peaces.

'AAAAHHHHH' you shout when you see a dead skull and some sort off snake appear.

After a few minutes of pain and suffering he is done but the pain is not gone yet.

'Narcissa, will you take our new family member to her room please?' He asks

'Yes, my lord.' You hear her voice as you walk with her through the manor, because you don't have a other choice and you trust her.

You don't say a word until you stop by a door.

'I am sorry y/n, I couldn't do any-' she says but you cut her off

'No, it is fine, I mean, how bad can it possibly get?' You say while smiling it off

'No y/n, it is not alright okey, you are a child I mean...' she stops and sighs

'What is wrong?' You ask her worried

'Nothing, it is nothing.' She says while sniffing once

You look her up and down.

'No, I wanna know, you can trust me.' You say laying a hand on her back, she didn't expect that so she flinched a bit but enough for you to see.

'Omg, please, you can trust me, why don't we just go sit on the bed and talk about it...please.' You say worried.

'Okey, fine...' she says while wiping a tear away from her cheek.

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