chapter 18 2/2

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you walk back to the bushes where Narcissa and Bellatrix are waiting. 'And? how did she react? and did you got the heart?' Bellatrix asks whispering. You nod, showing her the little see through bag with a bright red heart in it. Narcissa cringes as she sees it and fake gags, which makes you laugh a bit. 'Well come on then, lets get out off here' Bellatrix whispers and you nod.

You all aperate back to the manor where the dark lord is waiting. He sits in a chair, tapping his fingers. 'And? Did you do your job well?' He says as he stands up.

'yes my lord..she is dead.' The thought off losing her makes you tear up. Luna was such a good friend and you couldn't bare losing her, or even killing her would be worse.

'good, give me the heart.' He says with a firm face. You slowly walk over to him and hands him the bag, he smirks.' very good job Y/N'

You nod and step back to Narcissa, your body tense. She lays a comfterble hand on your shoulder. The dark lord looks at the heart from all sides and looks up.'good, the meeting about this will be tonight, don't be late.' he says as he disapears again. a sigh escapes your lips as you turn around.

'we did it' narcissa smiles softly, you nod and hug her tightly.

'and now..we wait...' you say as you feel a small kiss planted on your head.

okey hey Guys:)
I am so sorry for not posting for so long I am litterally out off idea's.
I have no idea what to write and I am so sorry for this little tiny chapter which probably is only one page.
If you have idea's comment on this please bc I really need some help.

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