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Florence's outfit

Chapter Three⊚ Fireflies ⊚

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Chapter Three

Florence was walking down the sidewalk, following a feeling she had, when a car started to pull into a parking lot in front of her making her stop. She glanced around to see her in a completely different side of town than she was minutes ago but whatever feeling she was following ended here.

The sound of a car door closing made her turn back around to see Lydia getting out of a car making her furrow her brows. "Lydia!" Florence called out making Lydia jump and spin around before sighing in relief when she saw it was just Florence walking towards her. "What are you doing here?" Florence asked, cautiously glancing around knowing about the two rabid werewolves running around.

"I don't know..." Lydia said distantly as she glanced around making Florence furrow her brows, "Why are you here?" Lydia asked turning back to Florence who shrugged. "I walking and saw you pull into here." She said and Lydia glanced around again before freezing when she spots an object in the darkened pool.

Florence followed her line of sight to see something floating in the pool. "Stay here." Florence said before slowly walked over, Lydia following close behind as she grabbed Florence's arm making her look at her. She raised her eyebrows and Lydia just shrugged slightly making Florence sigh softly before continuing.

With each step, it becomes clearer a body floating in the water. "Oh god." Lydia whispered as she tightened her grip on Florence's arm while Florence didnt seem fazed at all. They approach the pool, moving down the side by the lifeguard chair where Florence crouches at the edge.

She reaches for the body, managing to grab hold of it's shirt, pulling it toward the moonlight to reveal a CPR mannequin making Lydia sigh in relief. Florence frowned in confusion for a moment before catching the scent of fresh blood making her glance around until her eyes caught the sight of a scarlet liquid.

Following it until her eyes looked at the lifeguard chair. "Don't look." Florence whispered and despite the warning, Lydia slowly turned around and gasped at the sight in front of them.

Perched in the lifeguard chair is the body of an eighteen year-old boy, wet blood still flowing down his clothes from a horribly slashed throat. As the CPR mannequin drifts silently back in the water, Lydia's terrified scream fills the moonlit night.

Stiles's Jeep flies into the lot, pulling in next to Lydia's car, he instantly slams on the brakes and jumps out. "Lydia? Lydia, are you okay?" Stiles asked as he ran over to were Lydia stood, tightly holding onto Florence making him look at Florence weird. "Why are you here?" He asked and before Florence could say anything, Lydia did, "I'm okay, Florence saw me pull up here..." Lydia said before pointing at the lifeguard chair, "That, over there...? Not okay."

Stiles spots the dark figure perched in the lifeguard chair and reaches for his phone and cringes slightly, "Yeah. All right. I'm gonna call my dad." Stiles said and Florence shook her head slightly, "We already called the police." She said making Stiles look at them incredulously.

"You called the police before you called me?" He asked making Lydia furrow her brows, "I'm supposed to call you first when I finds a dead body?" She asked and Stiles squinted at her.

"YESSSSSS!" He said making Florence rise her eyebrows and nod slightly, "And here I thought people in London we're weird." She mumbled as he started calling Scott.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere- it's like the frickin' shining over here! If two little twin girls come out of the woods and start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised." Stiles said in a sharp whisper, glancing at Florence who was still comforting Lydia. Neither of them know she was listening to Stiles's call.

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?"

"Make sure it was them? Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?" Stiles asked incredulously and Scott sighed softly. "Please, just do it." Scott asked and Stiles sighed before walking over to the body to get a closer look, "Yeah, I'm sure." He said and a few seconds later they hung up.

Florence waited a second before pulling away from Lydia and walked over to the body making Stiles look at her weird. "What are you doing?" He asked and she looked over the body, "Looking at it." She said making him look at her confused. "Why?" He asked and she shrugged slighly and glanced at him, "I plan on studying forensic science after high school." She said before looking at the body.

Stiles stared st her warily, not trusting her but ultimately decided why not try to see if she could notice something he didn't. "See anything weird?" He asked as she noticed a purity ring around the guys finger making her look back up at his neck. She could see some bruising around the neck under the blood and also noticed the gash in the side of his head. Realization crossed over her face and she sucked in a deep breath.

"It's not the kind of murder you think it is." She said, looking at Stiles making him furrow his brows and look at her in a mix of alarmed and confusion.

A little while later after the cops came and Lydia and Stiles left, Florence walked down the road a bit until she walked up to Deucalion. "What did you see?" He asked as he held his arm out and she wrapped her arm around his before they started walking. "Head bashed in, strangled and throat slashed." She said and he nodded slightly, "Doesn't sound like something a Werewolf would do." He said and sighed.

"He also wore a purity ring." She said and he nodded, "And what does that mean?" He asked and she glanced at him. "You know exactly what it means, you just wont say it." She said and he smiled softly, "You should be used to that by now. I've been doing it since you were young. It's how you learn. So, what is it?" He said and she sighed softly.

"The other night I felt someone die and a girl came up missing the next day. And now I found a boy with three different cause of deaths... Someone else is going to die tonight and they're die the same exact way... And all three of them are going to be virgins." She said and he nodded, "And do you know why?" He asked.

"Because they're sacrifices."

In the dimly lit morgue, an exhausted Scott and Stiles look over the body of Heather in front of them. "So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked and Stiles shook his head slightly, "You're going to wish they did." Stiles said making Scott furrow his brows.


"I'm not totally sure yet, but that other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? They're eventually going to find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins. And all of them are going to have the same three injuries. Strangled. Throat slashed. Head bashed in. It's called the three-fold death." Stiles explained and Scott thought for a moment before looking at Stiles.

"So if they're not random killings,
what are they?" He asked and Stiles sighed softly, "Sacrifices. Human sacrifices." He said. Leading against the wall around a corner, Florence slowly looked up and glanced down the hall before walking away.

"So?" Deucalion asked as she walked up to him in the lobby and she wrapped her arm around his and started directing him out the hospital. "I was right. They're sacrifices, specifically three-fold death sacrifices. There's gonna be more sacrifices but they're not all going to be virgins." She said and he nodded.

"And you know what's doing them?" He asked making her look at him, "I think we both know what's doing them."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➢ ʟʏᴅɪᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴛɪɴ ⁽ᴳˣᴳ⁾Where stories live. Discover now