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The Factory

M..ast..er are... you....exc..it...ed

YAH NU NU I cant wait to see the present you gave me!! Izuku said jumping around the Nomu in excitement. 

The Nomu grabbed the jumping boy and put him on its shoulder. The boy sat down on its shoulder swinging his legs back and forth.

The Nomus gathers around the Nomu holding the boy ready to surprise their Master. 


The Nomus started walking to the huge tube in the center of the room. Oh, that's where I came out of~ Izuku said in a sing-a-long tune. Look..in...side..Master. The Nomu said pointing inside the tube.

WOOOOOW Izuku jumped off the Nomus shoulder and ran to the Tube.

HEs so Cute~ and looks so fluffy~ Izuku said pressing his face against the glass.

There in the tube was blue liquid this time and a small red and white cat one eye blue one grey.

I-Is that mine Izuku said pointing to the small cat.

The Nomus gathered around Izuku.

Yes...Master ...we got...it for...you...

Izukus eyes lit up (figuratively) from excitement

R-Really for me AAWW you guys are amazing

Izuku praised the Nomus to his heart's content slightly crying in the process.

Can I play with him now PLEEEEEAAASEEE!!!

Izuku pleaded the Nomus were unsure the Nomus wasn't completely finished but wouldn't go under their master's orders.

They went to the Machine and turned it off.

The Liquid in the container slowly fell as the cat gradually landed on the floor still unconoises 

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